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Posts posted by aCuriousMind

  1. If you're a guy and you're a hard gainer, then MASS Gaining supplements are a must. If you're somewhere in between between a hard gainer and a fast gainer, protein would be enough. This is basically food or fuel for your tired muscles. Best time to drink protein is after work out.


    If you're tired from work, PWO (Pre workout supplements is another must) It has caffeine and substancr to make your muscles last longer and enhance what they call "mind-muscle connection." Best time to drink is before work out. It is a PRE workout supplement.


    If you can drink lots of water consistently then creatine will make you stronger and retain water which is good for off season or bulking season.


    BCAA or Branched Amino Acids is another that helps with your recovery after workouts. Beginners will have muscle pains after a few sessions of workouts. (Ps. This is good. The only way for your muscles is to break apart and grow from working out)


    Lastly and most important, WATER ANR SLEEP.


    1. Mass or Protein

    2. PWO (Unnecessary if you aint tired and naturally atheletic)

    3. BCAA

    4. Creatine


    If you cant afford any, eggs will be fine.

    You can also check bodybuilding.com for detailed informations. And if you want to know if this is credible, my BP is 280lbs/4 reps w/o spotter. I'm 5-7. 65 kgs. So you can say I'm fairly strong. Thus, I'm credible as far as amateurs goes. :) Go break some PRs!

  2. there are two reason i love and made me join this forum


    1. it is too sad for any one of us to keep secret in our heart and die with it. we always want to express our deep secret to some one else, but without been hurt and could be recognized in other way, MTC offered a good place to let me express my self


    2. a philosopher called hapiness is doing some thing freely by following your own heart, i think no need further explaination, because MTC make me happy.


    how about you gurs?



    VIAGRA on sale, PM me



    Same! And how much?

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