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Posts posted by ozman88

  1. It sucks to fall for a woman who can never be yours, be it due to distance (she lives 600km away) and my circumstances (I'm married). Even sucks more as I just let her go.


    It sucks to be in the transition of allowing the wife to live the hotwife lifestyle - di pa ako ready na hindi ako informed of her escapades/sexcapades with others. Di pa sya open with threesomes etc, kaya di ko mayaya.

  2. I'm not sure if I'm ready to put myself into one.


    Even after swearing off what happened back in the past never to fall for a woman, unfortunately I fell in love with one. The wife does know about her, already has acceded to my "side project", since the distance between this new woman and me is roughly 600km anyway (and I only get to see her on occasion) which makes any relationship impractical. Already tried fighting to contain what I feel about her for many months already, but darn...

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