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Posts posted by LookingOswald

  1. Not at all, it was none of my business and it shouldn't be, for as long as she is free from any STDs and remains faithful during our time together. Why bother over spilled milk and why be with someone that you cannot trust to begin with? Love trusts & accepts, it does not go out of its way to find faults.

    Even the sexually inexperienced are capable of committing infidelity, it's definitely not an end-all-be-all. Just leave if they cheat, period - regardless of past experience. But don't count faults even before they happen, at least for me.

  2. Interesting thread, nice to hear some stories here. I made friends with the one that I've been looking for many years, it's been an interesting experience so far. It's nice to be the one texted first, and not always about service. 

    Should you date them? As a general rule, obviously not. But our therapists are that - they make for good confidants and friends. Good tropa material that you can share intimacy with. Just keep a healthy distance in terms of frequency and openness between to not get into trouble. 

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