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Status Updates posted by baMbee🐝

  1. The 'heart' belongs to the mind. What you think of what you feel is what controls your state of being.

  2. The best funadamental skills you can acquire to be successful is when you're down and nowhere to go but up.

    1. baMbee🐝


      It's so hard to be alone. Like what they say, surround yourself with people you can learn from and hone life must-haves.

  3. The best things in life are paid for. But with freedom - not free.

  4. The best way you'll learn is to make mistakes. Take chances.

  5. The bittersweet feeling of being in love and wanting to be reciprocated with love.

    1. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      It's good to be loved back

    2. baMbee🐝


      Of course. We crave for it - good or bad. But I don't regret anything when I choose to love.

    3. jelly bean

      jelly bean

      Yeah, since it's your choice

  6. The Chainsmokers.... Closer. We ain't never getting older.

  7. The high and the kick once the caffeines settles in. You think more thoroughly and get jacked up for work.

  8. The pics of Asian and Filipina chics are better than Westerners pound-for-pound. Well-endowed kasi latter genetically.

    1. Christian Grey

      Christian Grey

      The eyes of asian chics = priceless!

    2. baMbee🐝


      Yep. Plus common ground and physical similarities.... Hi Sachi.

  9. The snake and the beaver

  10. The world is such a beautiful place. Live your life and make the most out of it!

  11. There are battles who have to fight and some you may need to lose.

  12. These days, mas safe pa number kesa FB (real) account

  13. They think a family of 10 is an ideal Pinoy family. Or they don't care at all. Not even their kids can eat properly or go to school.

  14. This crazy culture of wishing and soliticiting Likes

  15. This is Ground control to

    1. baMbee🐝


      (Below mtc user. Hehe. LSS. Great song if you hear it.)

    2. baMbee🐝


      Ground control to Major Tom - David Bowie

  16. This is my fight song. I liked the rendition from that girl who had cancer way better than the original.

  17. This is our last goodbye - Jeff Buckley.... I missed this song.

    1. Miss Taken

      Miss Taken

      I love this song!

      "This is our last goodbye..I hate to feel the love between us die.."


    2. baMbee🐝


      You're one of the cool kids then.

      "Kiss me, please kiss me

      But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation"

    3. Neoclassical


      hayupak yang kanta na yan ni jeff buckley..

  18. This pain and longing...

  19. Time to go....

  20. Trust! So hard to build yet so fragile.

  21. Try other spas if you want more value of your money or more clients

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 2WarningPoints


      I agree, minsan kasi mura yung offer pero pag actual na masmagastos pa, iba rin yung hanap ng ibang option

    3. DarkPill


      Minsan ma hype masyado talo naman sa performance. Mas malupit pa yung tahimik lang. Hehe

    4. baMbee🐝


      Yes na malupit.

  22. Try others options. Malay mo.

  23. Up Dharma down songs mostly today, esp. Tadhana. My mood.

  24. Ups and downs... Swings inside and out... Bliss, euphoria and extreme loneliness. I want you in my life :)

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