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Status Updates posted by Mr.XO

  1. Start the year with a bang! Welcome 2017

  2. let's take our time tonight girl, above us all the stars are watching

  3. where is the love...

  4. Google pixel launch :)

  5. looking forward to a better week

  6. sickness to start the week.. :(

  7. helping a teammate outside shift hours because of incompetence.. haaay

    1. bigbaddann


      Been in that situation before; not exactly rewarding for the helper.

  8. 5 hour of sleep.. it might not be enough but surprisingly I feel great! Thankful for small things :)

  9. a very light Monday

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      it is indeed a light Monday.=) A lovely evening to you.

  10. A rainy night to end Sunday and welcome Monday.

  11. A rainy night to end Sunday and welcome Monday.

  12. Traffic seems to be pretty bad tonight considering it ain't pay day and no long weekend as well.. don't know why..

  13. Game 1 in a few hours!! #ilovethisgame

  14. yeah men.. time to start the adventure

    1. lyka96


      what kind of adventure?

    2. Mr.XO


      lyka96, something that can be close to a fantasy

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