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Posts posted by chup@ppy01

  1. Pare, flirt ka ba?


    His Body is Facing You
    Are his shoulders pointed towards you as he leans in your direction? "People position their bodies in the direction they want to go," says psychologist Barbara Greenberg, Ph.D. If he's pointed half out the door, don't give him a second thought, but if he's fully frontal while talking to you, that's a sure sign he's interested.


    He's Fidgeting a Little Bit

    Much like women will toss their hair or adjust their skirt while flirting, men also exhibit these preening behaviors, says Greenberg. Watch for guys squaring their shoulders, straightening their shirts or brushing the hair out of their eyes.


    He Finds Things You Have in Common
    Although the saying goes that opposites attract, Greenberg stresses that commonalities are crucial when it comes to flirting. If a guy you're chatting with makes note that he loves indie rock and Italian food, too, then there's a big chance he's interested in learning more about you.


    He Prolongs Eye Contact

    A guy might be flirting with you from across the room and you're totally missing it. If he locks in your gaze for more than a few seconds, you know something's up. "Brief contact is acknowledging," says relationship expert Christie Hartman, PhD., author of It's Not Him, It's You. "Once it's a couple of seconds or more, that is an extremely telling sign that he likes something about you."


    He Gives a Subtle Eyebrow Raise
    Here's a weird but cool tip: Pay attention to the subtle movements of his eyebrows. "If a guy raises his eyebrows and quickly puts them back down, that's usually a sign he likes what he sees," says Hartman.

    He Remembers Little Details
    An easy way to tell if he's flirting or not is if he retains any information about you, says Hartman. So if you've been chatting for a while and he brings up something you mentioned an hour ago, he's definitely paying attention and wants to hear more.

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