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Posts posted by pornojoe

  1. The following is my review of the movie Spider-Man 2. It's spoiler-free, so those who haven't seen it don't have to worry about me ruining any surprises. :)


    Before I give my review, I want to give full disclosure and say that I am a big, big fan of the character Spider-Man. Having said that, I'll try to give as un-biased an opinion as I can.


    I liked this movie. Better than the first one. It was better over-all. The story was just as good as the original's, featuring plenty of character development as well as a good dose action. There are more than a couple holes in the plot, but I can ignore them on the merits of the movie as a whole.


    The action scenes in this sequel are nothing short of spectacular. They looked like they were taken straight out of the comic books they're based on. Appropriately over-the-top super heroic action. The CGI fight scenes are much better executed this time around.


    Alfred Molina's Dr. Octopus was a treat to watch! In my opinion, they couldn't have picked a better actor to play this part: For one, he looks the part. Almost to a tee. For another, he definitely has the acting chops to pull off the character. It's too bad the script didn't take full advantage of his acting ability, as I felt that his scenes were a little too abbreviated.


    On the negative side, I feel that Sam Raimi lets a bit too much of his being a fan of the comic books show through. I don't think I'd be exaggerating if I said that the movie ends up being overly melodramatic. I won't describe the exact scene, as I want to keep this review spoiler-free, but look out for the scene in the subway with the by-standers. It's a doozy.


    A very entertaining sequel, superior in general, to the original. I give this movie my highest recommendation.

  2. My favorite PC games:


    Diablo series

    The Sims (all expansion packs)


    I also really liked Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, but I haven't played the sequel.

  3. Mahirap magsabi ng isang "All-time Favorite Dish" lang, depende rin yun sa mood e, kung ano yung hinahanap mo at a particular time. So I'll name my top three favorite dishes na lang.


    Sa mga home-made:


    I love my lola's hamonado - it's sliced pork meatloaf in some kind of sweet pineapple sauce.


    I have yet to try a Pecan Pie that is as good as what my mom bakes.


    My mom's green peas with cashew nuts dish. She puts Quail eggs in them. Yum!


    Sa restaurant food:


    For me, the Gindara Teriyaki in Tsukiji is the best.


    I also like Kimpura's Ebi Tempura and their Angus Beef Teppanyaki.


    And I always order the grilled chicken with rice dish at Pho Hoa.

  4. I agree with the people who said lessen your intake of rice and sweets. It's the carbohydrates that get you. That's what your body turns into fat for later use if you don't burn it all up right away. I really recommend trying to avoid rice as much as possible, I think this is key to helping people lose weight. Also, drink lots of water and stay away from sodas or other sweetened beverages as they contain lots of sugar which is, again, chock-ful of carbohydrates.


    Basically, after all that crap I just went on and on about, you can boil it down to this - watch your carbo intake and try to get as much regular aerobic exercise (something that will get your heart rate up for a continous amount of time - at least 20-30 min) as you can.

  5. I like women who have enough pride in the way they look to keep themselves in reasonably good physical shape. This is not to say that I only like women who are super-fit or whatever, but someone who cares enough about their appearance to make an effort to look good.<P>


    I like women who know how to dress well: they know and wear styles of clothing that flatter their figures and avoid those styles that do not, they wear the proper size clothes that drape over or hug their curves appropriately.<P>


    As for the great Tisay VS. Morena debate, count me on the side of those who like women with some color on them. I've always prefered caramel to vanilla :)

  6. For jeans, I really like Levi's. Not the button-fly ones though, I hate those - too much to fumble with if you really need to take a good, long piss :P


    Other than that, I'm not too particular about the brand. I tend to look more at the style, fit, material, things like that.

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