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Posts posted by krice

  1. There was this GM who was my supporter before. Right now, we are just totally ignoring each other but I can attest that he is also a respondent of this thread and a knight in shining armor of another spas. Although he had never been in our spa, he claimed to have been my supporter because of my wit. Atleast before......

    He courted me and I find it amusing. He never looked down on me despite of me repeatedly reminding him that I am not his typical girl next door. He was even amazed for the fact I am doing therapists job whenever I feel like doing it. Despite all that, I rejected him.

    Why? Am I stupid? No, I'm not. You see, I never belong in the spa industry. As I have mentioned before, I am from the corporate side just like all you businessmen and professionals out there. So there is no need to mock and discriminate me or other therapists because this is also a profession. I do have my businesses and a day job but I still chose to enjoy this industry to explore more of the world. Needless to say, I can live in or out of this industry. Because of that fact, he became even more persistent.

    On the day that we met, I was disappointment. He is not my type but it's alright. That's just the physical attribute. What hinders me from liking was his unsolicited business advices. I am always open for mentors and new ventures but not from someone who can't even treat me on our first meeting. It was a total turn off. He doesn't have money on him. I did not pay for our first meeting but it was a KKB. Yet, it was all good for me. Money isn't an issue.

    What irritates me is that, when we were left alone (because I came to meet him with my bestfriend), he kept on hugging and kissing me in a public place. Those actions are very pleasurable for me as a girlfriend.... again... as a girlfriend. Not because we are therapist, you have every right to touch or kiss or do whatever you want to us.

    I was completely disappointed. I thought he was a real gentleman. It ended that he was just an average joe. Sometimes, some therapists do also want to return the favor of liking someone but sometimes, some GMs are giving us the reasons not to.

    Your story is cool. Enjoy reading it. Hope you won't traumatized by this particular GM. There are more decent GM out there for sure

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