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Status Updates posted by Mang.J

  1. Finally got my voice back. Looking forward to work tomorrow. XD

  2. Probably not too special a person to anyone, but soon I know I'll be home.

  3. Just out to find the better part of me.

  4. "So finally, we agree. No place for promises here." - CHVRCHES - Gun

  5. Don't stop caring, even if no one cares.

  6. Count the moments, not the minutes.

  7. There's always a path from heaven leading down, and there's always another way from hell going up. If you fall down, find the way up again.

  8. Good day MTC! And in case I don't see you...good morning, good evening and good night!

  9. Because you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out.

  10. Appreciation always needs two components: the very appreciation of someone and making that person feel he/she is.

  11. Even if the good things in life are just 1/10 of the pie, at least you know which part to save for last.

  12. So you sailed away, into a grey sky morning...

  13. And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, just to make it through.

  14. You've always worn your flaws upon your sleeve, and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground.

  15. It's so subtle, I'm in trouble, but I'd love to be in trouble with you...

  16. The best part of believe is the lie.

  17. Turn off the lights, and turn off the shyness. 'Coz all our moves, make up for the silence.

  18. Cue all the love to leave my heart, it's time for me to fall apart.

  19. Just one of those days, where I'm really thankful for rubber shoes. Warm up na lang for the journey home.

  20. It's raining, EDSA's gone to heck, head's starting to throb and I still need to walk home. All's right with the world. XD

  21. Figuring out where I fit in a puzzle with one too many pieces. I feel like just a duplicate of a piece already in, if I was meant to fit in the first place.

  22. You're out of touch, I'm out of time. But I'm out of my head when you're not around.

  23. Brand new day, brand new low.

  24. You can't win at everything, but you can try.

  25. Maybe there's a chance we might probably be a potential possibility.

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