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Posts posted by Canadian_Doctor3

  1. I use to get average grades when I was in elementary in Ateneo, then I moved to the states and It was in that time that I started to have a love affair with books. My grades drastically improved in high school and I became an honor student. In college I moved back to the Philippines and studied nursing in UST. I was told UST and UP were the premier schools for medical courses. I was actually above average in terms of GPA, I was able to reach the dean's list 4 times in my 4 years of pre-med. I then moved to Canada, and I had to take up some prerequisite courses to enroll in med school. I took the MCAT and got into University of British Columbia and now I am currently practicing as a family doctor here in Victoria. I have 3 points to share to clarify some misconceptions about being an honor student.


    1) It is not the grades that define a person, because I know a lot of people who got way better grades than me but, they did so by either cheating or putting a lot of effort in HW, SW or projects. There are many factors that affect grades, however in the real world it is what you learned in school and not the grades that count.


    2)Just because you aren't an honor student it doesn't mean you are dumb. I know a lot of people that have the capacity to be an honor student but choose not to because it takes too much work.


    3)You don't have to be a genius in order to succeed in life. I know a lot of people who were naturally more intelligent than me, however they didn't have the work ethic and passion that I have. Intelligence is only one factor, there are other virtues that one can posses that would lead one to achieve greatness.

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