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Status Updates posted by Mzice

  1. Dear brain, please start being able to tell the difference between hungry and bored.

  2. Merry Christmas!

  3. Life goes on, keep moving forward.

  4. Don’t give part-time people a full-time position in your life.



      tama, correct , A+!

    2. fire_breather


      There's a 2nd part to your statement...

      " ...But treat them and afford them equal respect that was given you. Lessons too can be learned from their inadequacies to make your life fuller" :)


      Just my 2 cents and have a wonderful weekend :) Cheers!

  5. “When we protect ourselves so we won't feel pain, that protection becomes like armor, like armor that imprisons the softness of the heart.”

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      I am an advocate of the idea of embracing pain. Pain can be good for you


    2. Mang.J


      Well, sometimes there's just too much. Too much to protect ourselves, and too much to embrace. In the end, I guess it's all just in how we take it and survive it.

    3. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Rule of thumb is, if you are not yet dead because of the pain, then you will be stronger when it subsides. But you gotta learn to embrace it and not run away from it

  6. Stop holding onto people that treat you like crap. They might be nice sometimes, but the rest of the time they disrespect you and betray you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mzice


      Correct ka jan Sir Edmund

    3. Miggz


      I agree. Let go of these so-called friends. They're just anchors weighing you down.

    4. Mzice


      Thanks Miggz

  7. Stand up and realize that you deserve something better than a person who gives up on you.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      in these scenarios emotional independence comes in handy

    2. Mzice


      very well said Sir Edmund :)

  8. To all mothers...Wishing you all the love and happiness you so richly deserve. Happy Mother's Day to all!

  9. If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but never the goal.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Recipe for success

    2. islekimp


      have various ways of achieving the goal, but always think of your goal

  10. Dear Diet, It's not me, it's you. I just don't think it's going to work between us. You're boring, tasteless, and I can't stop cheating on you. Your Ex

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      hahahaha. Maybe you just need a cool off period


    2. Mango Man
    3. islekimp


      nice one, best of luck

  11. Life is beautiful and full of surprises!

  12. I will not say goodbye, but until we meet again.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      The appropriateness of this depends on the person you wanna address this to


    2. Mzice


      It is for family and friends. :D

    3. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      In that case, this is indeed appropriate

  13. The best way to move on is not just about forgetting the one you loved but it's about accepting the fact that you can never be together.

    1. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      To truly move on from something leave 3 things behind. 1. The bad memories, carrying hate and bitterness will only delay your healing process. 2. The good memories, nostalgia doesn't do you good. Just focus on creating new memories. 3. The person who you were. Grow from the experience, let it make a much better person. Its always easier to leave it all behind when you know you are not the same person anymore.

    2. Mzice


      So true...

  14. "Worst feeling is finding out that you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did, and you just feel stupid, and because you looked desperate about caring too much."

    1. hornydude


      baka feeling ka lang lol jokes

    2. Mzice
  15. "Regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. firealert


      cheers to that!

    3. Edmund Dantes

      Edmund Dantes

      Yes, I could not agree more. Successful relationships are based on something more solid. Hindi pwedeng puro libog at kilig lang


    4. badjammin


      Familiarity breeds contempt. Commitment, personal values, and attitude outweighs anything else.

  16. Happy Easter!

  17. someone who chooses me everyday and never thinks twice about it....

    1. iCandy


      Oh yes, we all need that person. :)

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