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Status Updates posted by Izumo

  1. I still can't find my kindle :(........

    1. blankeuphoria


      Ouch! Thats bad..


    1. NightWriter


      Pssst! Boy..halika dito...

  3. 21 more days to go.....

  4. I'm going vegetarian

  5. "Life is a one time offer. Use it well."

  6. 21 more days to go.

  7. 21 more days to go.

  8. 21 more days to go.

  9. Can't find my Kindle :(

  10. 20 more days to go....

  11. It's only been two days and it's already driving me nuts.

  12. Why pay when you can get it for free...

  13. I can't sleep when you're not around :(

  14. Selling my PS4 w/ Bluetooth Head Set and Games (Fallout, MGS Phantom Menace, Arkham Knight) as a set. PM me if interested.

  15. Fear a little less and live a bit more

  16. Akusai wa hyaku-nen no fusaku. - A bad wife spells a hundred years of bad harvest.

  17. Cge, landi pa more.

  18. The smothering heat is killing me!!!

  19. I feel so sorry for you bro. I hope she doesn't make a TOY out of you.

  20. Slept the whole day and now I can't f#&king sleep!!

  21. Have to wait again...

  22. I still can't make a damn post!!!!

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