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  1. "You can take your time and slowly, fall in love with me. I'll do my best, so I can walk by your side. So you'll fall head over heels for me."

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    2. -DELETED-


      Haha, I'm ready to give it my all to make her fall in love with me more, but more importantly, to make her happy. Life is short, that's why we are taking our chances. Have a good day DE. :)

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      good luck! happiness is a choice. ヽ(^。^)丿

    4. -DELETED-


      @RB eto na yun pre, tumatak sakanya yun line. Haha salamat!


      @DE thanks for wishing me luck. I'll give it my all to take care of everything that we have and for what we will have.

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