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  1. Tinatamad ako sa lahat ng bagay. OH ESPIRITU NG KASIPAGAN, SAPIAN MO AKO!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      hahaha! loko mo. nagimpake muna. bakasyon daw sabi sakin. :lol:

    3. -DELETED-


      Hahaha so tropa pala kayo at nagkakausap kayo. Hahaha, ano kayang meron sakin at tinatamad ako, is it because of the weather? Hows your day btw? :)

    4. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      at dito tayo magchikahan! hahaha! am good. ikaw, musta araw?


      close kami nun, kasipagan. kaya lang iniwan din ako eh. eto, inaantok, tinatamad. :lol:


      at sa tanong mo "ano kayang meron sakin at tinatamad ako, is it because of the weather?", it's not you, it's me. :lol: (accdg to kasipagan)

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