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Posts posted by MasterShifu

  1. I read somewhere: "Go for women out of your league. You may end up surprised."


    Dated a cute shoe sales lady from shangrila before.

    Tagged along with a guy friend shopping for shoes one day. Noticed he was trying to flirt with the sales girl assisting him but he was stumbling all over the place. His passes are either too obvious or awkward (imho).

    So being the good friend/wingman, i stepped in to salvage the situation.

    She gave me her # when i told her we needed someone to call in case we have more questions about the shoe my friend was trying to buy. (Not even sure why that worked)

    To cut the story short, i ended up dating her. My friend was sport about it tho =)

    Later that night, we got another girl's # after playing poker. I dated her too, but thats a story for another post i guess. Hehe

  2. Ababu (by katipunan din to, by meatshop/tomato bomb) boy ako dati, pero last time ako nagpunta dun parang di na sya masarap.

    di na lasang orig.


    Perspolis along katips, in front of miriam college pwede na din.


    Hassan, by sta.lucia mall. madalas ako dito kasi malapit. katapat pa ng goodlife. =)

  3. mga friends, kung arnis ang trip nyo,

    share ko lang yun nahanap ko.

    every sun morning sa rizal park (luneta)

    7:00am - 10:00am

    learn eskrima arts from grandmaster rodel dagooc (search nyo sya sa youtube)

    old guy pero ang bilis kumilos, parang totoong ninja. idol!

    50 pesos lang per session

    or kung trip nyo balik-balikan,

    meron 500pesos lifetime membership.

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