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Status Updates posted by male_spud

  1. hello, YM me, male_spud. kamusta?

  2. sweet and mataray :) nice combination

  3. you're sexy and you probably know it :) welcome!

  4. i think i'll go the barber and get a scalp massage :)

  5. help is available here

  6. nice to see you lurking around... how are you doing?

  7. so does your coed university require you to come in a uniform? :)

  8. thanks for dropping by... some interest is better than none. and no that's not the motto of a psycho stalker

  9. good morning. missed you by 24 hours. dang.

  10. another day... how are you doing mai? congrats on being a certified CT :)

  11. do you still have a ponytail?

  12. hahahah. not psychotic is a good step. maybe a bit neurotic?

  13. and a bit obsessed with seeing you in a uniform. all i get is a white coat :P

  14. one more question... does your uniform come in a micromini cut with a plunging neckline, stockings and big buttons? :)

  15. is it too much too ask a favor... delete just one message from your inbox... :)

  16. so embarassing, wrong spelling.

  17. still no dice... hehe. maybe if i can get you drunk somewhere then i'll have a chance :)

  18. how are the comings and goings mai? very elusive... the chase makes the catch much more exciting :)

  19. hahaha. well there are some days you just want to smile at a pretty lady and you hope she smiles back :) being chipper then gets you stiffer :P

  20. help wanted and help being freely given... my back is killing me...

  21. i want to pull that ponytail! heheh. didn't catch you again yesterday...

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