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toruk makto

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Status Updates posted by toruk makto

  1. is there heaven and hell? i think hell is where ill end up with. :(

    1. 悟飯


      You might as well get your cut from the jobs. And enjoy the ride.

    2. tonayt


      Ask a Catholic, there is. Ask yourself, the answer is pretty much what you make of it.

    3. toruk makto

      toruk makto

      yes hell it is!

  2. there are really women that are so spoiled that they think everybody will wait for them. well this particular woman was dropped like a hot potato. a lesson for her to be learned.

    1. toruk makto

      toruk makto

      on the contrary, i like her very much but cannot picture myself being taken for granted again. she says shes sorry but its not coming from the heart. its a start but she has to do more than just lip service for us to continue.

  3. sometimes you have to be hard and tough to people you care for. its hard work and the people you do it to really doesnt understand why. they will only realize the things you do for them was right all along is when your gone.

    1. kowalski


      very true.....i am even sure that the ones who will cry out loudest when you past away, are those who are against what you say/do, while you were trying your best to care for them.


  4. i really dont know what im famous for to get so much negs. they envy me a lot? pity them. get a life losers.

  5. iim getting tired, cant sleep and lazy to get up. theres nothing to look forward to and lifes a mess.

  6. so happy that my "regular" has decided to change and go back home. got mixed feelings but really happy for her decision. ill miss her but thats ok. there are more important things than my needs.

  7. dreaded events are happening although it was expected but not in the timeline set in my mind.

  8. some people dont want to hear truth even if its just been discussed and said in a nice way. they just brush it off as if nothing was said.

  9. nothing seems to be important now, feel numb. need a tattoo haha.

  10. when it rains it really pours.

  11. having sleepless nights and lousy days.

  12. sleepless nights is beginning to take its toll.

  13. how old cures that have been forgotten is the only thing that works for me. and its all natural.

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