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Anna Nimmity

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Posts posted by Anna Nimmity

  1. SKL yesterday i was asked by this person what i do during my dull moments in the day, i candidly mentioned that I GO FOR WALKS. Shortly after, I got messages asking if i do PSP walks. PSP what???? Now, these guys for sure are not referring to Sony Play Station, right? RIGHT! I learned that MTC offers a whole new meaning to "PSP", "walks", "candy"...learned lesson the hard way!

  2. to 3 movies


    1. The Godfather

    2. Star wars

    3. The Lord of the Rings


    top 3 songs


    1. Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits

    2. You shook me all night long - AC DC

    3. Come Together- Beatles


    top 3 perfumes (ladies)


    1. Guilty- Gucci

    2. Jimmy Choo

    3. Tresor- Lancome

  3. I don't think that I have a favorite number. Number 2 springs to my mind and I don't know why. Maybe I could use # 13. Everyone is afraid of 13 but I just don't get it. it's just another Friday and It's just another number.

  4. At home with family and friends. Tis' the Season to be jolly happy.gif



    Have you been pulled over by a cop?




    A Blueberry bagel right from the oven.



    Have you been pulled over by a cop?


    Cleaning the car. i find it strangely therapeutic.




    At this exact moment, what are you craving for?

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