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Posts posted by robertocarlos

  1. SMB Grand Slam Team :


    # 19 Mon Fernandez

    # 10 Alvin Teng

    # 12 Yves Dignadice

    # 9 Samboy Lim

    # 14 Hector Calma


    Bench :


    # 4 Elmer Reyes

    # 11 Tonichi Yturri

    # 17 Jeffrey Graves

    # 23 Ricky Brown

    # 15 Ricky Cui

    # 5 Franz Pumaren

    # 8 Bobby Jose

    # 7 Alfie Almario


    Imports :

    #24 Norman Black

    #25 Michael Phelps (haha same name as the swimmer)

    # 3 Ennis Whatley

  2. Why are Liverpool still going for Barry, when u have Xabi Alonso? If not for Fabregas' form, HE could be in the starting XI in the final.


    Am a Madrid fan, and my personal message to Cristiano Ronaldo : BACK OFF! STAY AWAY, Diver!


    He's got no game, dude. Always falling down. Come on, be a man and STAY ON YOUR FCUKING FEET!!


    Robinho to Chelsea would be a big big mistake for RMadrid. Villa to Madrid sounds more like it.





    i beg to disagree with you pareng damaso. its been proven in todays game that pure physicality alone in defense cannot match the new striker today. what we need are 'intellectual defenders'. examples of this new-breed are the likes of flamini, cannavaro (i mean who would you rather choose, cannavaro or Materrazi?, lol), puyol, and of course, our very own, Mascherano. Averag


    e height between these around 5'9 id say. these have the instinct of being a tough tackler with keen positional sense that puts them in the equilibrium to match the new striker.


    aside from this explanation though, portsmouth's defensive pairing is an exception to this as they won the FA cup. (campbell and distin)


    i think skrtel and agger (when he gets back in injury) are up to task and are fitting for their roles. just the mere face of skrtel scares forwards already. lol

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if Juve go to the entire Serie B unbeaten. Its SERIE B for gods sake. Buffon, Nedved, del Piero, Camoranesi..... these are still class players who do NOT belong to serie b.


    Only 2 of you Man Utd fans here? Probably not. I hate Man U like a plague, but that's me.


    Alan Smith -- wasted in a Keane role.


    Welcome aboard Roma fan! Totti is GOD in Rome.

  4. You think Zidane wasted his legacy with a single headbutt? Go to Marseille or Madrid and see if his star has waned... (maybe just a teeny bit, but not in a legacy wasting manner.


    Ronaldo -- INJURIES wasted his talent, not himself.


    I have to agree with Rico Villanueva. -- Ang gulang na nga maglaro, ang kapal pa nang mukha to show that he's the good guy.


    My most hated player : ROY KEANE


    Talagang dirty player, can't take what he gives out, even admitted to purposely trying to injure the player who 'mocked' him when he was down daw. Boo!

  5. You must also remember, that it was Coach Ron, who basically let Nelson Asaytono run half of the offense of SMB during one Finals Series, leading to SMB's demise.


    "Riding the 'BULL'" was how he put it.


    Cabagnot's loyalties have to be put into scrutiny. Hasn't he gone AWOL 2x na?

  6. Is Villa worth that much money??? Is anyone worth that much money??? Jeez.


    Chelsea shouldn't be sucker punched into throwing these sums into players, who, however good, simply aren't worth the bloated price.


    Then again, its Comrade Roman's money, not ours.


    How many players have been tagged as 'the next Roy Keane' and failed miserably?

  7. Pauleta was in the World Cup because Portugal really doesn't have anyone else to lead their strikeforce....


    With a midfield of Deco, Ronaldo, Rui Costa and Figo, if only Sheva was Portuguese.. haha!


    United are really living on borrowed time... In 2 years, will Scholes / Giggs / Solskjaer be still in top form?? They should get fresh blood, and I don't mean Michael Carrick.

  8. djflip_03 :


    Ang hirap ding maraming teams na sinusupport, esp kung sa ibat ibang leagues pa sila!


    Obviously, I support Real Madrid, the Brazilian national team, and Arsenal and Chelsea (weird no?).


    Juve? Well.... thank for Cannavaro and Emerson, but no thanks for dumping us out for 2 consecutive years in the CL.

    Juve more than anyone then, embodied the catenaccio so much that they bored the hell out of me.


    Effective? Yes. Entertaining? No.


    Valencia vs Real this weekend... As for Nando Morientes, it was very unfortunate that the galactico system pushed him out of Madrid.


    Dortmund?? They must have a good-looking kit for you to support them!

  9. The difference is that Man U will be playing at HOME ngayon vs Benfica. Still, Benfica has to WIN to oust Man U.

    Man U need only a draw.


    Barcelona, on the other hand, need to WIN against Werder Bremen. Which is a tall order, but they have home field advantage.


    dj_flip03 : do you support all those teams in your avatar? 1 team per league? lol.

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