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Posts posted by Wanderlusting

  1. Well said.


    This is an opinion thread about Clients falling in love, anything said about it either negative or positive should be respected or just ignore it if you can't take it. If this thread affects anyone what more if your friends or relatives said that in front of you. What more if your mother said that in your face, what will you do? React as you react in here? There is nothing wrong falling in love to these girls, heck I also did, but how can you love her unconditionally if a simple opinions in this thread is making your head spin. What more if its in your real world now. If you guys plan to go with the relationship then go ahead but make sure you have a long term plan or strategy on how to deal with it, Hindi pwede yung bahala na si batman, coz it won't work.

  2. Wow - I can see several people have been spending hours upon hours on this thread. Amazing what people can only say when hiding behind anonymity. I wonder how this thread would be if identities were revealed...


    Anyway, on the topic: this is very dangerous territory - best be prepared to handle the worst you can imagine. Take this thread as an example - I would say it's 50/50 here. People close to you might not say it out openly to you (as they do here) but some of them will think the same thing (even without telling you). Are you prepared for that? Ponder on this question...

  3. Since it was years ago anyway, can you share which establishment she's from? :)



    I've always had this "rule." If you visit her in the spa or MP or KTV, she has to accept the tip. Think of it as opportunity cost, simply because while you were inside the cubicle she could've gotten other clients. If you meet outside, of course no tip is necessary.


    I say it's a "rule" because it's rarely followed as almost all the girls I've been close to has refused the tip. Or money from me in general.


    In one case the girl refused the tip even if I knew she really really needed the money. She just told me the money will come elsewhere.


    In another case from about 2000/2001 she was making so much that she once joked na "kaya niya akong ibahay." And she was right. Once in a while I still think of her explanation on why she chose a relationship with me. She was so beautiful, with the face of Marian Rivera but with gentler features. She could've chosen better looking or richer guys or those with more free time, but she chose me. She just told me that I made her feel normal and I could understand things just by looking at her eyes.

  4. Whew! It's been a while since I read this forum... Simply browsed through most posts.


    To those people like C.Tigas:


    If you put yourself in an objective state of mind, meaning, it's not you in the situation but someone dear to you like a brother, or maybe your son in the future. What would you advise them to do? If it's your son, what would you tell him to do?


    Your answer to this question above will prove the right course of action.


    To E. Dantes:


    I for one appreciate your inputs, I look forward to your posts actually. But knowing human psychology, there are certain people who tend to get blinded when they get criticized for the things that they are doing. So instead of following yor advise, they become stubborn and go the opposite direction.


    I'm in no way a psych guru, but if your intention is truly to help and advise people make the right decision in their life, maybe there's another way to reach to this group of people? Just thinking...

  5. ^ Mr. Count of Monte Cristo, I think everyone (except that one guy who went ballistic on you in the past) will agree that your posts have been invaluable for everyone in this thread. You have been objective, fair, and at the very least, tried to be gentle in your choice of words. We need people like you posting here your views. Thanks, bro!


    Although I do find it hard to read your posts when they are mostly Filipino. LoL

  6. "A man who trusts everyone is a fool and a man who trusts no one is a fool. We are all fools if we live long enough."


    There will come a time in everyone's life where we will trust someone we shouldn't have OR mistrust someone who actually deserved our trust.


    So the big question - how do you know if the girl genuinely likes you?

  7. Hey, just chill, bro. You may have misunderstood my post. My comment on "putting down people" is meant for people in power (I.e. Corrupt Government)


    True, but caling a spade a spade - telling the truth is not putting down other people.


    Whore: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money; a promiscuous or immoral woman


    On the other hand, charging money for sex is an immoral act, the act of a whore.

  8. Let"s not forget that whores are the dark side of humanity.😎


    Funny, now that you mention it. But I always thought people who have power but use it for selfish reasons or to put down other people are the dark side of humanity. (READ - Corrupt people)


    This gives me an idea. Food for thought:


    Money is Power.

    Sex is Power.

    So Sex for Money is just an exchange of Power.

  9. There are girls who are there for the money and try to keep the loyalty of their customers (in short, mang-uuto o makikipagplastikan) to get their money. There are girls who are flirty (makati), they're not loyal even if you take care of them (kahit ibahay, for example). But there are those who hate the job and are there only to look for someone who can take care of them. They are willing to leave their work for good for the sake of someone willing to take care of them. But expect them to be insecure because they'll fear the guy could get tired of them and leave them.Iba-ibang klase 'yan.


    Agree with you completely - and there will be even more types of girls in this industry than the 3 you mentioned. Bottom-line is that we should never stereo-type.

    • Downvote 2
  10. ako yung insured pero yung tatay ko ang owner, ummm... yun yung nakalagay sa papel na hawak ko at patay na ang tatay ko.


    I see - you have to check who your dad put as beneficiaries and other pertinent details of the contract.


    While his death doesn't trigger the insurance benefit (since you are the one insured and not him), it should trigger transfer of ownership with the insurance policy considered as part of his estate (i.e. follows the same concept as inheritance). The new owners can then decide to withdraw from the policy, if the policy allows it. Otherwise, you will be locked until maturity. Responsibility for the payments for the premium, if continuing, will likewise be transferred - to you as insured most probably.

    Best to read the fine print. Consult a relative who is a lawyer, or banker, if you can.

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. Your view hinges on an assumed premise - that people will never change. If you believe this premise to be infalliable, then you will be correct.


    However, I believe the contrary. Yes, it will require significant time to change a value system that a person may have had for so long, therefore the patience and perseverance of both parties will play a huge part. But this is not impossible. Improbable as it may be.


    Let's not lose faith in humanity, bro.




    all i can say that falling for a thera is not a match made in heaven more like a match made in hell. several things that men forget in a relationship is that you must have the same values. you are from different backgrounds and upbringing your values in all probability will not be the same. so from the beginning you are both doomed to fail. easy to say that you will overcome these but give it time and it will keep coming time and again and ultimately you will get tired and quit.

    • Downvote 3
  12. There have been a lot of posts under this topic - some I disagree with, but that's ok since we are all entitled to our own opinions. A few of of them though, I find irritating and immature.


    This made me go back to the first post to see what this forum was meant to discuss in the first place. For those who haven't read it - please see below.


    Now, as for my view:


    I would like to believe, or at least try to convince myself, that I am only infatuated with the girl. However, I have found myself slowly but constantly pushing the boundaries of our relationship (i.e. I mean "relationship" in a strictly technical sense) Which leads to finding myself frequenting this topic.


    From the clients' perspective, I find nothing wrong with falling for the girl. While some people will say "falling" is a choice, others will agree with me "falling" is an emotion and we don't always have full control of it. But the true question really is - what do you do about it now?


    Therein lies the conflict. And this is where choice comes in.


    I am no saint and I am no guru to tell people between what is right and wrong. But what I know is this... Nothing in life is ever clear cut black and white. Anyone who thinks you can use a single rule absolutely is still blind to the world and lacks maturity. Between the broad spectrum of right from wrong, is a very vast gray area. This conundrum lies smack in the middle of the gray area.


    The predicament that a client facing this situation has is no walk in the park. Other people will belittle it as the client being "too weak" or being "blind to reality".


    To those people, I would like to say this - we shouldn't forget the fact that the client, and the girl, are both only human. Even with all our flaws, imperfections, issues, and dark pasts (yes, we all have these) I would still like to believe that we are basically good in our core. We sometimes lose our way, but every now and then we find our way back to being good.


    To the clients, and girls, in this situation, all I can say is that you do what you think... no, what you feel... is best for you. BUT, do not rush any decision and do it with no regrets. Life is too short to be too afraid to take risks. While life is never a "fairytale", I find it spectacular that the whole world can sometimes conspire to bring you to where you're supposed to be. But at the same time, be prepared for the worst.


    And in the end, you just have to take the skydive and remember that you have to hold on to something more tightly than your parachute... you should hold unto faith. Faith in yourself, and faith in your loved one. Otherwise, it's just a miserable life for any person who can't have such faith in themselves and in others.


    Good luck.




    I want to start this is topic, because i am experiencing it in this crucial stage in my life.


    for most of you guys, this is a no no. but what if you got interested in one and fell in love with. and also found out that the lady really love you. to yuo married guys this is not feasible, it can ruin your marriage. but to the unmarried and seperated ones. you have to weight the pros and cons for such a relationship. are you willing to accept the past of your loved one, can shoulder the financial burden that will be put upon you once she quits the job? or be willing to sacrifice relatives, friends or even lovers in order to have this relationship work out. pls. share your views with me as i discover her true feelings for me.

    • Downvote 4
  13. Lower rates = better business bottomline. You save on interest costs when BSP lowers down the rate. Eto kse yun guiding rate ng banks sa pagpapautang.


    This is not always the case. Recent example was pre-May 2013 before Bernanke announced "end of US quantitative easing." We later find out this was not true. But anyway...


    If you recall, ForEx was in 40 - 41 range. Primarily driven by hot money coming in since PH had one of the highest rates compared to other emerging markets. So in that case, the high rates (relative to other countries) was a driver for economic growth.


    Post-May 2013, what happened? Because US announced QE may end soon, liquidity suddenly started going from emerging markets back to the US. In a span of one-month, both ForEx and PH equities were severely hit.


    Anyway, point is that the driver for the pre-May 2013 good ForEx and Equities in the PH was high rates.

  14. I couldn't find any other more appropriate forum topic than this so will post my question here:




    I'm curious - there are a lot of references to "ibahay" or "binahay" or "ginarahe"; but what does it exactly mean?


    You give the girl a literal house? Or at least rent a unit for her I suppose. Then you give her money month-on-month, is that it?


    On this note though, how much would someone (MP, GRO, or Thera) expect to receive to compel her to quit? For example, let's say she's the top-earner for the establishment - how much does she make per month? Do you match what she earns or give a portion of it only?





    P.S. It occurs to me my post here implies I am pondering "ibahay" one girl. But to be quite frank, I am more curious really. Any inputs / replies are highly appreciated - as long as what you post are real information or honest opinions. If financial information you will share are confidential, please PM me and trust that I will keep it in close confidence.

  15. Right now is not a good time. Lots of stocks have skyrocketed, most of which are blue chips where the usual fund managers invest your placements.


    Anyway, we can't always time the market. Just add your placements when the market dips.


    Very good advice right here. I expect equities to plateau at 7,300 - maybe 7,320 tops. On the fixed income side, I also expect BSP to increase rates soon - maybe 25 bps. So at least equities and bonds expectations should be downward after this recent major upswing. US may also REALLY (finally & at last) start increasing rates soon - maybe 1Q 2015.

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