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Status Updates posted by @Migz

  1. Plan in decades, Think in years, Work in months, Live in days. =D

  2. Practice as if you are the worst... Play as if you are the 'Best'. =)

  3. Real 'Men' make your panties wet.. not your eyes. hi hi =D

  4. Real great people make you feel the you too can be great. Happy rainy friday peeps. =D

  5. Remember, the greatest failure is not to try. Happy weekend peeps. =)

  6. Say less... Do more. =D

  7. Seek adventure, dream, learn from your mistakes, and be kind. =D

  8. Shout out to the people going through some things but trying their hardest to be positive. be proud. =D

  9. Show life that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh. =D

  10. Smile at people who hate you. =D

  11. Sometimes all you need is just to give yourself a break. Try it. =D

  12. Sometimes all you need is somebody who can give you a Hug... and maybe a Kiss too. =D

  13. Sometimes I just agree with people so that they could stop talking. Truth? =D

  14. Sometimes there is No next time, No second chance, No timeout... Sometimes it is Now or Never. Happy monday Peeps. =D

  15. Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person. =)

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      exactly! good morning!

  16. Stop teasing.. make things happen! =D

  17. Take a chance, you never know what might happen...

  18. Thanks for adding me up. Hope to see you soon. =)

  19. The bad news -- Nothing lasts forever; The good news -- Nothing lasts forever. hi hi =D

  20. The best moments happen in your life after taking risks. =)

  21. The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for... come to think of it. =D

  22. There are no 'failures', just experiences and reactions to them. Stay positive peeps. Have a great weekend. =D

  23. There are no limits... except the ones you set for yourself. =)

  24. Things worth having are worth waiting for. =D

  25. Think well. Feel well. Live well. =D

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