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Status Updates posted by @Migz

  1. Care less.. Live more... Be Happy. =D

  2. Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you. Truth? Happy weekend everyone. =D

  3. Count your blessings... not your problems. Happy monday peeps. =D

  4. Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system. Agree? =D

  5. Deep conversations with the right people are PRICELESS. Happy monday peeps. =)

  6. Do you ever look at someone's lips and... you just wanna mmmmmmmmmmm... =D

  7. Don't get burned twice by the same flame. =D

  8. Enjoy LIFE to the fullest. =D

  9. Enjoy life to the fullest.. make someone happy.. have fun..

    1. john_monterosport


      Enjoy while young

    2. @Migz


      Mismo, brod john. hehe


  10. Everything will be 'okay' in the end. If it isn't 'okay', it isn't the end...

  11. Excuse me for being too forward but your lips make me wonder what the rest of YOU would taste like... hmmmm =D

  12. Fall seven times... stand up eight... =D

  13. Find someone that makes you feel high when you're sober... just a thought. =D

  14. Good rainy moaning! =D

  15. Happy weekend everyone. Keep safe! =D

  16. Have fun no matter what you do in life! Just don't let the days past you by without enjoying them to the fullest!

  17. Have fun no matter what you do in life! Just don't let the days past you by without enjoying them to the fullest!

  18. Have you ever gotten so bored at work that you started doing your job??? - #9gag .... I don't. Lol =D

  19. Have you ever wanted to meet yourself and see yourself from someone elses' point of view?... just a thought... =D

  20. Having a dirty mind makes ordinary conversation much more interesting. =D

  21. Hi Kylie! still remember me? PM me your number naan. Thanks. =)

  22. Hi there! Please PM naan the details ng promos no. Thanks =)

  23. Hi To Chelsea! really nice to meet her. =)

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