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wife on call

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Status Updates posted by wife on call

  1. Wearing my red skimpy undies. Hope this makes me lucky sabi sa fengshui.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wife on call

      wife on call

      coconutJuice i hope so too.

    3. blacklantern


      do you feel sexier or more comfortable wearing your red skimpy undies?

    4. chris_ewans40


      that's one hell of a way to attract good fortune.. =)


  2. If only relationships are like underwear I will have new ones everyday.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wife on call

      wife on call

      blacklantern uhuh if its comfortable and really feels nice

    3. blacklantern


      so if it is reaaaaalllly comfy and feels sooooo nice, kahit na gutay gutsy na you will wear it forever and you will not have new ones everyday???? LOL

    4. blacklantern


      yun na lang always and always forever and ever?

  3. Taking a dip into the unknown.A point of no return...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buguy


      hello mam!!!

    3. wife on call
    4. blacklantern


      Are you curious, or trying to be brave, or both?

  4. It's that time of the year again:|

    1. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      merry Christmas! :D

    2. wife on call

      wife on call

      Happy Holidays Mango Man

  5. Me and my big mouth! That FUBU post was just a sentiment. I am not looking for one. Dont give this post another dirty meaning :)

    1. blacklantern


      For some kasi, the impression given is like an implied invitation (like an "i am lonely and heartbroken and i'm willing to try a fubu" type of post. Eh madaming medyo thick-headed dito lalo na yung baguhan na immature na iba hanap pag nagbabasa dito. It is really advisable to include your "notice to all i am not a psp and not inviting anyone for an SEB" statement after you vent out your rants in these social fora. anyway regards

    2. wife on call

      wife on call

      Good idea blacklantern. Thanks


  6. Ber months na blacklantern!

  7. spy_der_man. Just pm me. My inbox is cleARed.

  8. my inbox is full thats why you cant pm me spy_der_man

  9. hello steadyelmo

  10. hotjoel no i dont

  11. hello tontonyulo. I'm fine thanks :)

  12. ok naman MrSensuous

  13. Thank you blacklantern. Somehow i can relate to the threads and yes i feel better afterb ranting.

  14. Mabuti naman ako daddydrew

  15. Miggz no i ended the affair because its the right thing to do.

  16. martymcfly21. Its not what you think I'm not for hire. :)Used to be on call with an ex.

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