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Posts posted by kepner2010

  1. I have been asked twice by two different women if I would like to enter into such relationship, both are potential partners for me and was tempted to say yes let us try it.  

    Knowing the difficulty as shared by some of my male friends with such relationship,  I politely declined the very enticing propositions of both of my women friends.  


  2. One of the challenge in going to Tagaytay is the very heavy traffic especially weekends even the roads were already widened.  I wish that the Tagaytay local officials implement a better scheme.    

  3. many pre-Christmas office party inuman comes back to life as fond memories.  With the close office friends doing gimiks, with female office mates at Karaoke sessions and drinking spree.  I remember a time that two weeks before the Christmas break there is an inuman session Monday to Friday.  

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