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Status Updates posted by BudzOrg

  1. Hi SachiSAN! Me, I'm fine doing the usual things that I've always wanted to do.

    How's your day so far? :)

  2. Why did you become a lurker all of a sudden Sir DevilGod?

  3. "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do" - by Walter Bagehot

    1. Barenaked-NoMre
    2. BudzOrg


      That's great :). YOu should be happy about it because despite the words of discouragement from others you still pushed thru with it and eventually achieved what you wanted! :)

  4. Baraka, post more in forum games para tanggal mga negative reps mo. Fight Club is a troublesome place for anyone.

  5. Hey guys!What's up?

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