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Posts posted by Harts

  1. hi! i just bought myself a SWISS ARMY WATCH it is automatic,anyways it was priced for only Php 5,250.00 and twas not on sale when i bought it . It got me really worried because this be might fake considering the price :( it has a leather black box and a VICTORINOX SWISS ARMY KNIFE enclosed. Please englighten me if i got the genuine or the fake one. thanks!

  2. Saan pwedeng bumili nyan?

    YOU can buy WACHICHAO PURE GREEN TEA sa mga chinese specialty stores. :) effective po ito sa mga malalaking tyan :lol: first 2 weeks you'd notice a slight change panay wiwi mo at grabe ang pawis, it's a sign that it really works :cool:

  3. what brand of green tea are you taking?

    Try mo WACHICHAO GREEN TEA,P10.00 lng sya :cool: it's pure green tea :) no additives and coloring. 1 tea bag allows you to have 6 cups :cool:


    Kaya lng ang smell nya prang CUBAN CIGAR :lol: :lol: other than that ok sya. :)

  4. DIET haaaaaayy :( :( hirap! been there done that.. i've tried it all from Bangkok pills, slimming tea, sexercise :lol: , Atkins (3days lng), after 6, high protein, zero carbo to South Beach Diet (try to read the book 1st by Arthur Aghstan). South Beach D. so far ok sya kaya lng medyo expensive at finical ang mga ingredients ng meal plan, which allows you to eat 5x a day with dessert pa! :cool: hirap lng to adjust kc bawal caffeine, carbo and sugar.... :(


    yookoooo na mag diet!! :grr: .. i wanna enjoy life to the fullest basta eat right and STAY healthy :cool:


    After all,

    YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT :upside:

  5. my longest relationship was with a Libran :wub: I'm an Aquarian it was a perfect combination we clicked from A to Z :wub:, we were rocking on the same boat kaya lng bcoz of too much familiarity na outgrew ko na sya coz i was pretty young then.... Most of my good buddies now are Librans too its either i'll end up being his best friend or his girl :heart:

  6. i've tried adobong wild boar in Iligan which taste really masarap.

    RM soup(penis ng kabayo) masarap sya kya lng it luks yucky kasi dami ugat2x at laman loob pro its really good especially after a boozed up gimmick. dami nyan sa CDO.

    and ostrich meat(exotic ba to?) na ginawang bbq (also in CDO) which taste sooo yummy and tender.yung lasa nya is a cross between baka and manok na mas masarap pa! at wlang cholesterol. :cool: :cool:

  7. STILNOX lng ang katapat pra maging sleeping beauty na ako. kung tight ang budget UNISOM, ok na kya lng sakit ng ulo ko the morning after and you need RX pa 2 buy it. lately, na discover ko DIMETAPP EXTENTABS O di kya BENADRYL. :D

  8. sometimes i dont trust myself especially in the middle of a break-up, i tend 2 b too impulsive with my feelings. now i've learned my lesson, i dont wanna break things in the middle of a petty fight.... i'll just wait for the water to turn dry. kasi dont wanna say things i dont mean and later eat my s**t... :(


    it happens 2 me all the time :unsure: :sick: :cry:

  9. I really dont like to wear jeans. BUT isa lng talaga na gustohan ko and its VICTOR JEANS. IT is custom made for me, perfect ang fitting. it's reasonably priced and even competitive to other imported brands. you can get your orders at RAJO LAUREL SHOP in Manila. :cool:


    proudly pinoy :mtc:

  10. i've learned what OPRAH said is true,




    lately, my life's been really rough sailing too many bad things been happening to me all at once. when it rains it really pours :(


    how i wish things will come 2 pass..


    Finally, a controversial word of advice: Once in a while, take risks. I am not talking about gambling, doing things on a whim, or performing anything illegal. I mean taking "the road less traveled."

    Taking risks always involves a lot of sacrifice. (You will know you made the right decision, when you pick the harder choice and your heart is at peace.) But as the hottest fires forge the strongest steel, hardships develop character.


    I am keeping these things in mind when i begin with my own personal quest.

    As someone dear once told me, "There are treasures that await you. Listen to your heart and pray to God. And if something is meant for you, then the universe will conspire to make it possible"


    life is great, and so are we :mtc:

  11. im curious about the booming industry today; what it feels like working in a call center environment. what are the perks and the freebies?


    im working now in a government bank. k lng... medyo oldies kasama ko ako lng ang young and single. nakakasawaaaaaa nah :grr:


    gusto ko career change, gusto ko young ang mga kasama ko. yung very opposite sa isang government environment... dhil nabobo na ako

  12. Lurid, Magical & Ordeal


    Lights out

    My body lay in a state of coma

    Hoping for my nocturnal friend to visit me

    But tend to be elusive

    My mind raced through the barriers of time

    Frantically searching for the throbbing question

    Looking for answers beneath the stars

    What was it?

    An apparition maybe

    For I have gazed long enough until my neck breaks

    But I felt it

    Something was there

    he may be far out on the Go

    And I maybe nothing but a mere sideshow

    To his otherwise boring & uneventful life

    That sucks all the pathetic lies within

    he finally breaks me not in two

    In million pieces like the stars

    Littering this void space of cyber

    It was forthcoming

    And yet I foolishly opened again the Pandora’s box

    My heart bleeds a million wound

    This crimson tide that ebb w/ the sun

    A bitter pill to gulp

    Do I have a choice?

    For I am dammed anyway you look at it

    May my agony end pretty soon

    I detest the day I ever saw the light of this world

    It has only blinded me of its sinful glory

    Ill just retract to my world

    Where light never found its existence

    For the shadow that I am

    I am one with the darkness of this realm….




    Somewhere deep inside

    Something got a hold on you

    It’s pushing me aside

    Stretches forever

    For I know I am right

    For the first time in my life

    So you better be home soon

    For I may not be here by the time you arrive


    Sipping over my coffee

    For the lies & deception

    A silent tear rolled down my face

    When my time is up

    Ill never set foot on your heart again

    And this dwelling place will be forever be void

    Even the air would be stale

    And the colors would be pale


    It would cause me pain

    If we decide to end it

    The contract that lasted far beyond we could remember

    Like a reel memories is all that we would have

    To play those happy tunes in times of despair

    Another cup another coffee

    It’s the same old thing

    But its never be the same old you

    It can never be you….TRUTH IN LIES






  14. i read "The Alchemist," the story of a poor boy

    named Santiago, who left his homeland in search

    of his Personal Legend. He left his flock of

    sheep to search for his treasure in the Pyramids,

    met a Gypsy woman and an old king, got robbed and

    lost in a strange land, worked for a crystal

    merchant, encountered the Alchemist, discovered

    his treasure, and came back to Andalusia with

    indescribable contentment.


    I am convinced that like him, the "forces of the

    universe" are commanding us to go and get hold of

    our full selves. we shouldn't make ourselves

    believe that this is it; that there is nothing

    more we can ask for and nothing more we can dream

    about. For the poor boy Santiago, who always set

    out [on] a new road to travel, the world was huge

    and inexhaustible. He said that fields are new

    and the seasons change.


    we are completely uncertain about what will

    happen to us, or how we'd be able to sleep

    without seeing our families. But we need the

    courage and strength to leave everything behind

    in order to succumb to what our inner selves call

    for. we need to overcome this fear of failure,

    this fear of being forgotten and alone, and we

    ought to believe that there is nothing holding us

    back except ourselves. :cool:


    here's one of my faves, BE SURE 2 GRAB A COPY.

    1. A PATH TO LOVE - DR. DEEPAK CHOPRA :rolleyes:


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