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Posts posted by jomart19

  1. Restoring life to dry bones

    Good News Reflection

    Friday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time

    August 20, 2004


    Today's Memorial: Saint Bernard



    Today's Scriptures:

    Ez 37:1-14

    Ps 107:(1) 2-9

    Matt 22:34-40



    Do you have any relationships that once were good but now have dried up? A relationship that has rotted, that has no flesh on it, no life? It's nothing but dry bones? Or a dream that has faded or a ministry that has withered? Today's first reading gives us a very graphic image of God's power to resurrect anything. Nothing is ever hopeless except in hell.


    If it's good for us and when the timing is right, God the Father will put flesh back on any bones that he has created: any relationship, any dream, any desire that he himself has given you. But this new "flesh" will not resurrect what has died. Something else is needed: the spirit of life, the Holy Spirit.


    As the scripture says, "From the four winds -- from all directions -- come, O Spirit, and breathe into these slain and bring them to life." The Spirit, as the giver of life, puts holiness back into the relationship, into the dream, into the ministry. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no hope, but with the Holy Spirit, there is life and a future.


    Holiness is life. Consider how humility, truth, and unconditional love, which are attributes of holiness, give us life. Selfishness, deception, and an unwillingness to be vulnerable infect our relationships, rot away what was good, and leave us with nothing but dry bones. Self-importance, compromises on moral issues, and a distaste for loving servanthood infect our ministries, because they k*ll our relationship with God and we lose his guidance that would have led us to success.


    When I was a child, Jesus became my dearest friend, but I knew nothing of the Holy Spirit. As a teenager, I instinctively sought the Spirit's power, but I looked for it in the occult, which diseased my faith. After seven years of this, my friendship with Jesus had dried up into lifeless bones.


    Then Jesus brought someone into my life who introduced me to the Holy Spirit. After I gave my heart to this Third Person of the Trinity, the truth about each occult belief became clear to me. Breath by breath, the Spirit of Truth gave me a fuller life in God's kingdom.


    It's the Holy Spirit who breathes life into these Daily Reflections to give you what you need when you need it. Ask this wonderful Person to teach you truth, weed out any false beliefs you've got, and empower you to do everything God asks of you. From this prayer will grow new life, and you'll eventually receive the resurrections for which you've been waiting.

  2. Dreams don't work unless you do.


    Good afternoon >:)



    The desire of the sluggard puts him to death,


    for his hands refuse to work.


    Proverbs 21:25 (NASB)



    Pray... "Our Father" ...for the Holy Father (Pope John Paul II)


    "Hail Mary" and "Glory Be" ...for World Peace & Tranquility!

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