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Posts posted by BIG-Trouble

  1. Depression is real. It is more amplified because of the current pandemic and should be treated seriously. Given the circumstance, having a support group is even more important than ever because medical help isn’t as accessible. For me, the first step is to accept that there is a problem. It is highly difficult to help someone who refuses help. Then the healing can start. There is no pill that can rid of depression but it is a lifelong struggle which eventually you hope to win day by day.


    Stay strong, stay positive and remember that there is actually a lot to live for no matter how dark the situation might be.

  2. Yes,


    Because Filipinos are like roaches (in a positive way). We can survive the worst of the conditions and still take the harshness of life with a lot of humor. However, that trait might also be the reason why we accept mediocrity for our country. Because we can crack a joke and lighten any situation no matter how bad it is.

  3. Education is one of the most important pillars of our society and might also be the only way for this country to get out of poverty. This bill will solve the education part, however, we also need to remember that it is necessary to create the environment that is conducive for the youth to learn. It would be very difficult to study with an empty stomach.


    Another question that emerges is the sustainability of this bill and how to safeguard it from exploitation.

  4. Diesel fuel is cheaper and generally diesel engines have higher mileage. However, maintenance cost of diesel and cost of diesel vehicles is higher than gasoline. I tried computing and the savings diesel price provides in 5 years versus gasoline vis a vis my mileage does not exceed the extra cost of a diesel vehicle.


    Gasoline provides better acceleration and in general is more drivable.


    Both have pros and cons.

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