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Status Updates posted by xavier_xerver

  1. Happy Haloween to All....

  2. Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. —John 4:14

  3. God speaks through His Word—take time to listen.

  4. God speaks through His Word—take time to listen.

  5. what is the meaning of life? everything :-)

  6. If you have nothing to declared. And you'll have nothing to loose....

  7. God’s highest Gift should awaken our deepest gratitude

  8. Do I start counting now... If how long I will stay on my current company... worried...

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ALL

  12. Spiritual gifts are meant to be used, not admired.

  13. Friends are flowers in the garden of life.

  14. friday friday friday yes magweekend na at rest day lols

  15. Don’t let prayer be your last recourse in time of need; make it your first.

  16. A good leader is one who knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way.

  17. When we learn from our mistakes, we are less likely to repeat them.

  18. The storms of life remind us to take shelter in the loving arms of our Savior.

  19. God’s glory shines through His creation.

  20. hello ms IamHotSexyMom31 :D......

  21. thanks alexa for dropping by :), i will try if i got chance to have a vacation dyan sa atin sa phils :)

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