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Posts posted by gmtulis

  1. yes..boomouse is right..

    for me my reason why i bought my mac because i became comfortable using it..and almost everybody in our industry is using it, it has become a standard. and for me to take my work home is to have one at home too ^_^


    and i do know people working with windows producing impressive works..

    it's just preference, like choosing brands of car, and with that i choose toyota ^_^


    well..i just fell in love with my mac and i'm just will not be switching back ^_^


    the best reason for someone to switch to mac....hmm..,

    that's what you have to find out, because asking a mac user will just give you their reason why, and that's why you have to experience it to be able to know why ^_^ hihihihih

  2. yeah...

    maintaining your car is not as easy as going to casa whenever it had defects or trouble..

    it should be regularly maintained..and as a driver you should know how, and the workaround "your car"


    i would take a toyota car more than any other car...^_^


    magrereklamo agad na bad ang toyota..eh baka bad rin yng owner ehehehehe..^_^

    ang sagot lang dyan eh..find a good mechanic and ask what's the problem...and can offer aftermarket products that will surely lasts..

  3. I'm not surprised. They still have the monopoly mentality, and esp. since you're tied up with a year-long contract, they feel they have you by the balls anyway, so why bother with good service?


    tried resettting it several times, to no avail. minsan pag nakaka tsamba, pag tumawag ako sa phone, babalik pagkatapos ung dsl. minsan naman, pag ok ung dsl ko, tapos may tumawag sa phone, napuputol ung dsl.


    i also noticed that kapag nagloloko ung DSL ko, whenever i pick up the phone, maingay ung linya. yet the pldt people told me wala naman daw problema. they must think i'm neurotic and just imagining all these.



    yeah to think that destiny sucks....mas okay pa nga yn minsan eh...well sa downloading..walang sinabi yng pldt eh...^_^

  4. Just wanna share my experience with one of my ex...


    At first did not know she was a GRO, it was all good at the start...but things get a little bit fast forward when she invited me to her unit...then all things come to a point that she have to tell me something really important before the relationship continues..that she was working at this club and if I can accept her or not, of course i told her not to go there anymore because she would not need to..but then after 2 days i woke up with a huge shadow at the window peeping who's inside, though i gasp that it would be someone bad, it's her financer a big time i don't want to elaborate on this guy,


    she confronted him and told him about me...i introduced myself though a little shaky the guy left us with money and food....but things only got worst...though her financer left him with the thought that i would take good care of her, she went back to her job and vices which she did when i'm in school..i went back and realized what she had done, prevented me a lot of times not to go..till some time when i could not take it anymore...i packed and left without a word..i see her 4 times after, just for the heck of doing it..then i left without a trace....


    after a year...i found her at that club..and found out that she had a lot of boylets now, got pregnant and you know what they do when they get pregnant...

    asked help from me...all i can do is be there for her...i don't love her but she's been a part of my life...


    after a month..she's back there..and hopped to another bar and another..and i dunno where she is right now...


    falling in love with a gro is harder than i thought it would be.......it's really hard to forget about her, i wish sometime i could see her to see if she's okay...

  5. Bro..i had that problem..i thought we have no access.pero when i tried to reset it a couple of times..meron pala...nawwala...


    though extreme problems are DSL sucks at downloading with p2p networks...PLDT is in the list of Worst DSL providers do you know that? ^_^

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