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Status Updates posted by w_monette

  1. Why do men have no working brain? Cause God gave Man a Brain and a Penis, but only enough blood to use one at a time

    1. maddromeo


      Well I can use mine both at the same time! ;p

    2. orionblaze000


      Coz one is for thinking and the other one is for pissing.. And you don't want a man pissed when he is thinking about you.. (wink)

  2. Girls are sweeter than guys!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sqpinc
    3. orionblaze000


      But more men are prone to Diabetes than women.. So medically speaking.. We are much more sweeter.

    4. blue+george


      should be like that. or else guys will do all the shopping as well, and girls wont like that right? :)

  3. hi sis....would you be interested in some g2g action and after we girls are done we let my bf join in? let me know if you like this.......mwah monette

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