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Posts posted by Toffee

  1. I had PRK done instead of LASIK. If you are an active person, into sports and all that, I suggest you do PRK. The corneal flap could possibly move, even after healing, on eyes done with LASIK. Also make sure to look for a surgeon that uses the newest laser, I think it's called wavefront laser. They use it on both PRK and LASIK. I had it done about 3 months ago. The first month sucked, I could see halo on lights at night. After a while it gradually went away. Right now my vision is 20/15 on my left eye and 20/20 on the other. I think it was just my eyes.


    The whole PRK process took about 15 mins for both eyes, They will tell you to keep taking vitamin C up to 3 months to help the healing process. The healing process was not too bad. It didn't really hurt, it was more like annoying. They will give you medication that will put you out, haha.

    I got my eyes done through my employer, so I can't really help you out with the price. All in all, it is well worth it. It's awesome not having to wear glasses or contacs. No more buying contact lens solutions. No more cleaning contac lenses. It's great.


    If I were you, I would get it done as soon as possible but make sure to do your homework first, check on you doctors. Those eyes are yours, so if they fuucked it up, you will be sh!t out of luck. Pick carefully. Goodluck!




    http://www.allaboutvision.com/ <----- check this site out. It will give you some idea on what to expect, also, check out youtube.com for eyesurgeries, it will show you how it's done

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