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Status Updates posted by princess-sophia

  1. :) no one is convincing enough to make it a reality :P
  2. 'Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.' - Chinese Proverb

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. maddromeo


      Why? Thirsty for a Kiss!?

    3. meroveus
    4. Saitama1968


      Just wanted to say Hi to the pretty lady:)

  3. Am overwhelmed with your comments and messages, will try to catch up

  4. be safe from the rain everyone

  5. belated happy birthday :)

  6. Boy, just dropping by, been busy but will send you an sms. Btw, love reading your FR's :)

  7. Have a blast this 2016!

  8. hi boy! been very busy lately, usually am out of town due to the nature of my work :)

  9. i am not a psp and you cannot afford me, so stop sending me messages asking for rates

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. lonelyhubby


      hi princess sophia, i know you are not a psp, and i will not ask for your rates, i would like to ask your friendship if thats ok :)


      im a call center trainer in fort bonifacio :)

    3. peterdgreat


      am plain curious? why do you have so many friends? How beautiful and alluring are you? can you pm me your pic pls if it's ok. you back view's great! Pls tell me something about yourself that will whet my appetite more. Thanks a many....

    4. peterdgreat


      you're so mysteriously alluring in your back pic, perfect form and I think you're more in front... Can you spare a front pic for my curiosity pls. Thanks for the add...

  10. mabuti pa ang ang daan laging wet these days ako hindi. lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bitoy58


      this made me smile. thank you

    3. male_spud


      hahah, pero after the wetness, panay lubak naman :P stay nice and tight

    4. AstralChaos


      lets do something about it. :D

  11. male_spud, it seems like you monitoring eh, hehehehe.

  12. Mango Man, not quite. just checking in now and then, thanks for always ready my posts and visiting my page :)

  13. search the net male spud and you will know the answer with illusration :P

  14. Thanks for all those messages, sweet!

  15. thanks for the add, can't reply to you via pm :P

  16. too many message and a lot is a trash. easy guys! easy!

  17. Will you be my next adventure?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mango Man

      Mango Man

      Im game for adventure

    3. dyiggysioux1
    4. blink_1225


      will you ride on me if i'am your new adventure? :)

  18. wow i got a lot of friends. easy on me guys :) one at a time :)

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