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Posts posted by jacobstfrancis

  1. In the TV Series West Wing, the were several episodes where Martin Sheen (who plays the President of the United States) and John Spencer (who plays the White House Chief-of-Staff) discuss the option of sending troops to the Philippines. Also I remember one scene where one of the characters, during an emergency stiuation, mentions that a certain military general was flying back from Manila.


    Sometime in the 90's, there was a sitcom called Union Square. That was the name of the diner where the where the characters of this comedy show would hang out. In the diner, one of those who worked there was a Filipino waiter, who spoke tagalog and never spoke a word of English. In fact, everytime he would speak, there were subtitles to translate his pretty witty remarks against some of the other characters. He would often utter one liners such as "gago" or "tanga". In one episode, nag-mura sya. Subtitles simply read "*!@#&$#". Funny show. Too bad, it was never previewed here. The good thing about this show is that the pinoy, while portrayed simply as a waiter, turned out to be a pretty cool character. Often times, his filipino lines came as witty responses to some smart alecky remarks made by the other American actors. :cool:


    The next movie/tv show, I'm not quite sure. Return of the Jedi (Star Wars Episode VI) featured little characters called Ewoks. They spoke in some incomprehensible language that was charactereistic of many of the aliens in the series. During one scene with two Ewoks speaking to each other, that scene where they first saw C3PO (who they thought was a God), I thought I heard one say to the other "Ito, puno yan."

  2. Hello everyone. First time to post in this topic. I also grew up during the 80's and I firmly believe that music of the subsequent decade/s still cannot match that of the NEW WAVE era. :cool: In any case, if you're looking for great 80's gimmick place, try Jill's at Fort Bonifacio on Friday's.....80's night all the way with a mobile (I recall that the main guy was called a "spinner"). Amazingly, the crowd is a mix of the young and old so none of you have to worry about being mistaken as a parent picking up their children. :P I guess that's the magic of 80's music....its for all ages! :thumbsupsmiley:


    Incidentally, just above Jill's is ESL, where I 80's music also prevails. B)

  3. Good afternoon everyone. I wonder if the people here would give their comments and/or opinions to the Mazda 3. Its one of those cars that I am seriously considering. How's the ride? I heard that it was "under-powered" (whatever that means). Is this true? It seems to be a popular choice in terms of its looks. But what about its performance? Also, when I inquired about it, I was told by one of the sales people that there was a three (3) month wait. Is this indicative of the number of people who have decided to pruchase the Mazda 3?


    Would apprecitate your insights.



  4. Hello everyone. I pretty new here and this is one my first few posts. The topic strikes me as interesting considering that I am a self-confessed Disneyland fan. For me, no trip to the United States was complete without spending a day or two at the Magic Kingdom.


    The prospects of Disney HK seem bright. You can be sure that a number of Filipinos would be flocking there at any given time of the year considering its proximity. Note that at present, a lot of Filipinos fly to Hong Kong for the weekend. What more if Disney starts operating there.


    While, I agree with a previous post that it may not match Disneyland or Disneyworld in the US, I believe that it can provide just enough fun for Filipinos and other neighboring countries.

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