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Posts posted by b00mbug

  1. Yes sir, I would not be good looking and "curvy" forever, thus I had to maximize what I have now to earn and save as much as I could. Yes, I could have gone the usual route, accepted the offer of the bank that hired me, get 15K monthly salary and maybe get promoted in 2 years. That would have been the more "respectable" thing to do. But everytime I go home, I would need to listen to my siblings complain about their broken shoes, having no baon for their school, my parents arguing about where to get the money to buy tomorrows groceries etc. We are not a rich family, if you guys have followed my posts, you would have known my only dream then was to treat my family to an out of town trip. Yes, it's shallow but it was something that we haven't done together until last December....Thus, I made a choice. Should I get employed in the bank but be almost powerless to help my family? Or enter a spa and give my family a good life? I chose option 2. Does that make me less of a person because I did so? Does that me unworthy to be loved by a GM? There are times I cry myself at night, thinking what have I done to myself, but remembering the smiles of my siblings as they open their toy gifts, my parents pride as I financed the repair of our home, I say to myself it was all worth it. I would make the same choice 10 out of 10 should I return in time and be faced with the same situation.


    Do I have an exit plan? Yes, I do. I have saved enough for me to start a small business. To GMs close to me, you have probably all heard the "eatery" I have always wanted to establish. Haha....Well, i have pampered my family quite a bit already, now its time to go to phase 2 and go into entrepreneurship. Once the flow of income is stable and I know for certain we will never again have monetary difficulties, then I shall step away and retire from being a thera....and know what, that time is not far away. I am almost at the finish line. :D :D :D

    Solid post. Made my day. Happy thurday everyone

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