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Status Updates posted by Ephemeral

  1. Never discredit your gut instinct.

  2. Blow a kiss, goldfish.

  3. Don't always play it safe or you'll die wondering.

  4. I can hear those glances that you think are quiet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ephemeral


      Sometimes the eyes can say more than the mouth.

    3. Lord Superb

      Lord Superb

      Yes, which is why I'm often afraid to look at the eyes of someone I like, fearing I won't see a tiny spark there with which to guide me home at last. Thanks. You just inspired me to write a poem.

    4. Ephemeral


      You're welcome. Hope to read that poem somewhere here.

  5. If you listen well enough, life will whisper its secrets to you.

  6. In that place between a YES and a NO.

  7. Not interested.

  8. Note to self: stay soft. It looks good on you.

    1. caloy168


      Keep.it up...

  9. Can't reach it. Doesn't need it.

  10. Its been a year since I had alcohol. Yes its been 12 days. That's quite a feat. *pats back*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ephemeral


      self-control is strong. congratulations.

    3. glut_func


      i was never a drinker talaga. It's only bec of women why i learned to drink. And since matagal na ko naka move on wala na ko reason to drink. If only i could do the same for smoking though.

    4. Ephemeral


      I wonder what's the reason for smoking.


  11. I have three sides: the quiet sweet side; the fun and crazy side; and the side you never want to see.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ephemeral


      @caloy168, he wouldn't know unless he tried.

    3. caloy168


      Hmmm. . .just a brave man who will dare swim your challenging world...

    4. coconutJuice


      im curious about the crazy side.. hehehe!


  12. "There is nothing of interest for me out there, on earth, at all."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. donjulio1942


      Ah. To have the mind of the most resolute of men is very impressive indeed, even for Sherlock

    3. Ephemeral


      @climaco, yes and yes, though time is my enemy.

      @donjulio1942, I'm a fan of the character. :)

    4. Climaco


      You picked the wrong guy to mess with. Make it work for you.

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