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Posts posted by nehemiah

  1. its so hard to see my ex's with other men. on one hand, i was the one who dumped them, so its my fault really that they've moved on. Plus i sincerely wanted the best for them (as ridiculously unbelievable as it may seem), and I pray for them and their new fiances/husbands.


    I just wonder when will i find the right one now?

  2. i just came back from a trip to europe last month. it was surprisingly cheap but i'm used to us/canadian prices. my total trip lasting 2.5 weeks costed just over P100K including air fare return. i was total cheapskate throughout the trip, stayed at hostels or with friends, bought almost all my food from supermarkets and cooked at the hostel, rarely ate at sit down restos (cuz there's a table charge of euro2, just for sitting down...grabe talaga), and took public transit almost always.


    Instead of eurailpass, I took mostly ryanair and easyjet. it can be really cheap to fly compared to train but the experience is different. the train stations are frequently right in the middle of the city so its super convenient. also the cost of getting to and from these discount airports can be more expensive than the flight itself, or getting a train ticket. but i got to see more countries and cities than I could have dreamed of in a very short time. I would recommend spain and eastern european countries especially because they are much cheaper. france is mainly for girls, imho, cuz i didn't find it all that. italy was cool but super expensive. uk is the most expensive of all. don't spend much time there unless you have a lot of money to burn or you have relatives/friends there to crash with and bum food off of.

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