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Posts posted by ip4s

  1. last december my bp was 160/100 now it is around 110/70. when i realized dat i am hypertensive i got scared so i told myself to do everything i can to lower my bp. at the start i took meds to control but i didnt wanna rely on meds to lower my bp so i made it a point to workout daily, mostly burpees, kettlebell swings, jumprope and running on stairs. i also started to watch what i eat especially the sodium intake.

  2. i was level2 obese and had hypertention so i had to lose weight or else i increase my risk of heart attack. before i used to snore always but after losing around 15lbs, my brother said i stopped snoring. so i guess dats another reason to shed some weight

  3. hi im ip4s and i love apple products that it seems like sinukahan ako ng apple :) i love watching movies, going to spas and watching series. im into crossfit but am just a beginner at that. i love to go on food trips local and abroad with family and frends

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