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Status Updates posted by theromanticist

  1. "A sword a weapon. The art of swordsmanship is learning how to k*ll. That is the truth. What Miss Kaoru says is sweet and innocent talk that only those whose hands have never been stained with the blood of men can believe. But to tell you the truth, I much prefer Miss Kaoru's sweet and innocent talk over the truth, that I do."-Kenshin, Rurouni Kenshin

  2. Sanosuke Sagara: I wouldn't mind picking a fight for a change. Usually, I don't have any choice about who I fight with, but I can't stand watching people abuse those weaker than them. Something about that sort of bugs me. Especially when it's a bunch of hypocrites talking about the virtues of freedom and justice for all. That really pisses me off.

  3. Kenshin Himura: Shishio's logic dictates that the winner of a battle, in other words, the strong, is always correct, that it does. If the truth could be discovered by winning one or two battles, then we'd all go through life without ever being wrong. A person's life isn't so simple a matter, that it isn't. The true answer is something you find out yourself by how you live yo...

  4. You believe that the strong exist to cull the weak. To use them as food. But you are mistaken . . . The strong exist, not to feed off of the weak, but to protect them!

    - Kenshin Himura

  5. I am myself until the end! I fight as Himura Kenshin! - Kenshin

  6. By Bandola - "Sharing the word of caution from some GMs who in the goodness of their heart replied to my queries - never tread the world of spa with your heart out in your hand since you might leave it behind with a certain muse you never know yet from Adam and that could dangerously mix passion with reason. Leave and enter the world of spa as it is, never disturb the balance that you found when you first step on it

    1. theromanticist


      for like the Greek isles of nymphs and beauties, one might find there his enchanting Calypso and get lost and fall in a daze for months and years as the great warrior Odysseus who needed the gods/goddesses to intervene so he could free himself from Calypso's eternal hold." His patron goddess Athena asks Zeus to order the release of Odysseus from the island, and Zeus sends the messenger Hermes, to tell Calypso to set Odysseus free, for it was not his destiny to live with her forever. ....

  7. Kenshin Himura: I thought I made it clear, I have no desire to take anyone's life, no matter what the reason. And also, I'm sure I'm not the devil!

  8. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."

  9. "A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."

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