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Posts posted by aki9121

  1. Hi! Here are my answers to your questions?1. she can eat anything except fatty foods. 2. The only problem after cholecystectomy is the ability to digest food efficiently especially after huge amounts of fatty meal but one can live normally without a gall bladder

    3. The only advantage after a cholecystectomy is that he/she wont experienced another bout of cholecystitis with its complicationsi hope that answers your questions. btw, im a general surgeon :)




    As per powerpuffgirls post, I am not fully aware that not medically related/licensed staff are allowed inside the Operating Room while there's an ongoing surgery. Unless for some who was about to give birth, isn't that right azagtoth?

  2. In my own opinion and base sa experience ko, I'd say BOXING.


    I've never been into "working out and since I recently quit smoking, running and jogging is pretty much intense for me. Having a hard time catching my breath, wala pang 2 mins na jog, hinihingal na po ako.


    i used to weigh 169 lbs since August 02 of this yr, im now down to 150, lbs. Been working out three times a week, 3-4 hrs a day...

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