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Mel G.

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Status Updates posted by Mel G.

  1. “The heartbeat is an irregular bell tolling; the footprints create ammonite patterns in the snow; they spiral in serpentine undulations, toward a complicated centre of mass, forming a beautifully inscribed hieroglyph, the earth acting as papyrus. It’s all signs and symbols; reading the emotions of another is an art, and tonight she lacks the imagination needed in order to be creative..." - Waking Dawn

  2. In the depths of my heart I can’t help being convinced that my dear fellow-men, with a few exceptions, are worthless. - S. Freud

  3. I do believe in self-help. Something that I must agree with Client East Wood.

  4. Bon après-midi

  5. Respice, adspice, prospice

  6. Happy New Year!

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