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Status Updates posted by Halcyon

  1. Don't mind me. Just dropped by to unlink my blog and remove photos. Ktnxbye.

  2. No point sticking around anymore. Til we meet again, MTC. :) I promise not to sign up for a new username if you promise not to screw me over again. Later, kiddos.

  3. New display photo - like. Haha. :)

  4. This was one of my summer songs back in '09. I like the beat. I like Chicane. But I prefer the earlier version. And I think I'm more Poppiholla than Halcyon. ;)

  5. "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Yes, I quoted Scripture. Sue me.)

  6. One of the most deceitful, most cowardly thing you could possibly do is to ask someone to meet up for Sunday breakfast. Subtle, yet excruciatingly cruel still.

    1. cantholdmedown


      hmmm, this could be spun in so many different ways

  7. "You better run, man on the run. Playin for fun. Wind me up. Leave me undone."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johndoe2-1


      would have liked listening to your voice on this rainy afternoon..

    3. Halcyon


      You have no idea what you're talking about. Hahaha.

    4. johndoe2-1
  8. Where I'm from, there's no such thing as a long weekend. I'll be working tomorrow. And I'm perfectly fine with that. I need the distraction. :)

  9. "East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet."

    1. ninjaballaholla


      But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,

      When two strong men stand face to face, though they come from the ends of the earth

  10. Blueberry muffin dreams.

  11. Is it time to go (again)?

    1. Macdknife


      Ei! How was your Eid al-Fitr weekend?

    2. Halcyon


      Business as usual. :)

  12. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

  13. I have come undone. Commencing self-destruct sequence. Do not expect a countdown. I repeat, do not expect a countdown.

    1. no foul

      no foul

      booom na kaagad?! :)

      have a goodnight

  14. No more crinkles? I need those to live! Nooo... Can't... Breathe... Ack.

    1. Chito


      Meron pa dito. :D

  15. I've been sleeping all day. Wow, it's almost 5PM.

  16. Let me tell you an embarrassing fact about me. I sometimes watch K-drama. My favorite is Marry Me, Mary. You know what's more embarrassing? I'm watching it again tonight.

    1. Halcyon


      P.S. I will love you forever, Director Jung-In.

    2. Halcyon


      P.P.S. I'm going to find someone like you. There's gotta be someone out there like you. I hope.

  17. Yea, we often have conversations like that. Haha.

  18. Thanks, guys. Though, I've never read 50 Shades and I don't plan to. :)

  19. 'In lieu of' is not the same as 'in view of'. When two words sound alike, it does not mean we can use them interchangeably. True story.

  20. I want to give myself to one man, to life, to the city, and finally, to death.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bitoy58


      So quotes Veronika...

    3. Halcyon


      Thank you for noticing, bitoy58. :)

    4. bitoy58


      You're welcome :)

  21. The Citibank + MTR sign (half of it) combo was a giveaway. So no real reason, just showing off. Haha. :)

  22. I believe that I’m an open-minded girl who can tolerate just about anything you throw my way. Do your shyt and I probably won’t even care. That being said, I feel that there shouldn’t be any reason for anyone to lie to me. I can play bimbo upon request, but under normal circumstances, I’m rather sharp. So why don’t we cut you tonight? Thanks for the time. It was nice knowing you. Ya-da, ya-da. You’re dismissed.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. dea-mische


      Ah yes, they are the people who don't deserve your time. :)

    3. Danielle


      Agree again. Hahahaha!

    4. Halcyon


      Hahaha. Thanks, ladies. :)

  23. Your display photo... HongKong? Along Nathan Road?

  24. Frustration. Annoyance. Displeasure. Difficulty. Failure. Defeat.

    1. Chito


      Good look, Halcyon's officemates. ;)

    2. Chito
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