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Posts posted by boypentel

  1. When I was very sick I closed my eyes and started meditating. After a few minutes of concentration, I suddenly felt so light in a very dark environment. There was no sound at all. Then I felt that I was was floating.. it lasted for about 5 mins and when I realized that I was nearing the ceiling, I got scared so I open my eyes. And instantly, i literally felt that I fell on the bed. After that I felt a lot better. BTW I am no practitioner of yoga or other form of meditation.

  2. This happened a long time ago. I've got an exGF who gave me me a cute voodoo looking head-only doll that requires watering. At that time, she could't accept the break-up..After a few days grass would grow on its head. Then days thereafter, something strange happened to me. At about 2 pm I'd fall asleep and When it's nearing 6 o'clock I'd wake up but couldn't get out of of the bed. I felt uneasy and I wanted to go to her house. I tried to resist the urge to go to her place for days. Then, I realized that this happened since the doll has grown grass on its head. So what I did was told my kuya to bury since I couldn't do it by myself. I tended to vomit whenever I tried to do it myself. After burying the doll, the uneasiness ceased.


    Then about 10 years ago, an ex-GF( (iba naman) went to our house accordingly to retrieve her jacket. This happened after our painful breakup. My mom told me that the girl went to my restroom and stayed for about 30 mins. Then she left. When our maid tried to check, the floor of the restroom had oil all over. So my mom ordered the maid to clean up the bathroom before I arrived. Ayun, wa effect.

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