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Posts posted by Jsquared11

  1. I want to start this is topic, because i am experiencing it in this crucial stage in my life.


    I too have had to go through this situation too. It's by no means easy. I live in the US and visit the Philippines quite often. I have a girlfriend who I am absolutely crazy about whom lives in the Philippines as well. Before we got together I did my routes through the different mp's and still do now when she isn't looking. The MPA I fell for and eventually had a relationship with is still in the business and is mentioned in other threads. Initially when I would see her name come across it would feel like a dagger in my heart everytime somebody mentioned her. Whether it was a full fledged FR or simple "get her pare". This was all while I was still single. But even now, with my girlfriend whom everyone in my family loves and her family loves me...when I see my ex MPA's name mentioned...I can't help but wonder what could have been if we didn't end our relationship. I learned alot from her. Not just physically but just about life. I would be paranoid when I was away, I would wonder if my family knew what she did, I wondered if my cousin's who frequented the MP's with me tried her. It tore me up inside. But it also made me realize what is most important. There is no set way to live your life...and I'm sure these MPA's never grew up imagining what they would end up doing for a living. I never dreamed of falling for one either, yet I have to say it is as a much of what makes me; me today as anything else in my life. It's your life...live it. Understand the consequences and ask if you can live with them. If not, then walk away. All these people can give you advice on anything, but only you will know if it makes you happy.

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