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Posts posted by miketest75

  1. Tried the following:

    1. Viewsonic 10" tablet - tegra 1
    2. LG G Pad 8.3
    3. Nvidia Shield Tablet - had to return it due to heating problem
    4. Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact (my current tablet)
    5. Lenovo Yoga Tab 2 8" (my wife's current tablet)
  2. Based on experience... Malabo ka pa makabalik dun sa Dream girl mo... It'll be a big mountain to climb given na ang tagal mong nawala at galit sya sa iyo dahil nawala ka lang bigla at siguro sa isip nya na "ginamit" mo lang sya at yung nakuha mo gusto mo ayun... Nawala ka.


    At this point, you run the risk of losing both. I do not think you realistically have a choice really. If you decide to run after Ms. Dream Girl as suggested by some... You should prepare for the worst and that is losing both.

  3. Hi guys, been trying to get a credit card for years... used to have one and even offered some pero hindi ko kinuha or pinasarado ko na yung account. now I am in "contractual" basis with my new work... wondering if there is a bank na hindi masyadong mabusisi... ironic is that even at contractual basis my pay was bigger than my friend who was a stay at home mom... yung mag-kasama kami sa mall... someone from Citibank approached us... sya pinayagan pero lagay lang na stay at home mom... ako hindi daw pwede sa Citibank since i was contractual... the thing was I knew that her husband's pay is no where near what I take in a month (3-4x) pero hindi ako pwede at least for Citibank... so i jokingly said... pwede ba house-husband magka-card? natawa lang yung babae na nag-o-offer. :P


    Seriously though, any banks na madali ang kumuha ng credit card? since main problem ko is the certificate of employment... once they see contractual... or probationary status... tapos. Odd nga meron mga promos sila (some banks) sa new-grads... pero ako hindi din pwede since I do not have an existing student ID and proof na new grad ako. >.<

  4. Noticed that you're back at that particular establishment..hope you're 'strong' enough already.


    Hi bro. I'm hopeful that I am strong enough for it. One, I got a different thera. happy.gif opened my eyes to certain things... like realities of their work... and of course trying out other thera's in their line-up or other spas... and second, her reactions to PMs (or non-reaction, or deletion of thread after reply) basically confirmed who am I to her... and just a means to an end (her job). In a way, it hurts but eye opening as well... I guess what's good with guys is that we can compartmentalize things... I'm starting to do that... and I know one day I can get her again without me "wishing" or "hoping" for anything beyond that spa session. Your PMs were very helpful bro.

  5. i believe your right sir we should surrendered to the fact na "you'll only be a client and nothing more" but, what can we do if they are very highly trained to manipulate clients(my thera is retired daw?!!). making us believe that we are important or worse that they love us... i think i just let myself to be lead on even, i know that she's been fooling around. i gave her all the benifit of the doubt and that's what hurt most, trusting her. i gave her almost everything and para ka nang atm machine dahil sa dami ng mga kailangan bayaran at bilhin but, still what hurt most is her lies and betrayal.


    I guess ayun mahirap bro... pero the control is with the GM since for the thera almost automatic na trabaho lang lahat (even yung pagka-sweet nila)... in a way, you're not 100% sure na ikaw lang ganun sya and she might be acting the same way sa ibang clients.


    Ako trying to limit espa time and trying to switch between theras... since I have other things that needs my financial focus and second... might fall for her even more (na alam ko naman client lang ako sa mata nya).


    I guess the difference is that you're way deeper where I'm at... and siguro halos parang gf / bf na kayo. Siguro realize mo nalang bro na part ng trabaho nya ang pagiging thera... if you can accept that then it'll be easier (hindi ka nagseselos and all). I know we have the tendency to bring the thera out of the spa industry (I had hehe) pero you need to check on certain realities that if you push for it - can you actually take it?

  6. to all GM's who are new to this kind of scenario, take my piece of advise DON'T fall for them. as what i've posted a couple of months ago i don't generalize every one who works in this industry but, more than often they will never change even if you treat them with outmost respect and sincerity. they will still fool around and when you caught them red handed they will lie about it even wala nang lusot and sila pa ang galit(this is based on my experience). i learned a lesson the hard way and doing so i feel so stupid for trusting her. here is a link from eppy halili gochangco from the philippine star. it helped me in someway hope it would help some of you GM's. http://www.philstar....es-bacteria-and


    Very very sound advice. The article is also very very helpful. As I said in one of the threads... very susceptible ang GM mag-fall for a thera... and malaki yung chance na yung thera malabo mag-fall for a client (mainly due to the reasons stated in the article). For those who are going through it (falling for a thera) maybe start detaching yourself from her. I know mahirap... heck... sobra! I can say that I've been in that situation... yung tipong hinihintay mo mga text nya or PM... and sobra kang excited makita sya... mahirap talaga... pero kung alam mo na malabo naman talaga... then quit while you're ahead and siguro explore other theras rather than focus on her... siguro balikan mo lang sya if you're over her... or you believe na yung feelings mo under your control na or you surrendered to the fact na you'll only be a client and nothing more.

  7. October pagbalik ko check up ulit I might have it change


    Good luck bro. Hirap ng may hypertension... i'm just in my mid-30s... now I go back and think... sobra pag-kain ko ng sisig (everyday) yung nasa college ako... during that age kasi feeling indestructible... everything you do comes back twice or trice the effect pag dating ng 30s.

  8. You are right merong parang side effects mga maintenance meds. Ako amolodipine gamit ko.


    Parang sumasakit ulo ko nung una palang. :(


    i tried that meds before pero had allergic reactions... so was switched to norvasc. :-(

  9. Yup bro... silent killer nga ang high blood pressure. In my case, I'm in maintenance already... taking 10mg of Norvasc as advised by my doctor. Without the meds... my BP normally is at 140 / 110... catch with Norvasc (at least first couple of days/weeks) felt sluggish... ngayon ok na. I'm trying to get more physical activities... I used to be an athlete (taekwondo - welterweight) in my high school and college days... and regularly went to the gym... of course everything went south when I started working... I'm now overweight 40lbs. mad.gif

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