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Posts posted by chuker

  1. To sell items on Henry's shelves in SM Supermarket you will need these


    600,000 pesos - Product debut ... To allow your product to be sold in SM Supermarket ... Note this applies per SKU ...

    Meaning if you pay 600K for your product of 1 litter packages ... you will pay another for your 500ml ones


    80,000 pesos - for Gondola displays - Have you ever seen those Christmas displays of products on separate shelves?

    This cost will only allow your gondola to stand for 2 weeks


    5% cough it up during 3-day sales .... - or free stuff

    Yes this is mandatory ... else magagalit si MR. SY



    Terms of Payment to suppliers :


    120 days


    Bad orders are deducted automatically on the invoice... May angal ka?



    who is your source with regards to this information?

  2. when getting a drink, i would suggest that you try looking at what they mix in. i know that some people mix in a lower grade of alcohol. you wouldn't want clear plastic vodka mixed in rather than your favorite brand. if you can't, you're safer with a flavored version. oh yeah, and make it clear what brand you want. just don't go saying i want a vodka seven or rum coke. sometimes the price difference is just like Php 50, so burn your stomach and liver on something that's worth it.

  3. ^


    Agree with you. However one should be really careful not to attract high class escorts(g4h) instead of celebrities.


    ah yes, watch out when your promoter says he'll bring along lots of russians... most of the time you'd get the wrong kind... i would say try going thru your network and ask for referrals...

  4. thanks jo, im gna go check out UP this weekend. I already confirmed with AIM, it's full time with them. Plus a minimum of 3mos requirement to stay in their dorm. after that u could live off campus. but the workloads supposed to be unbelievable so they advise u to live within the vicinity.


    I talked to 2 UP mba grads and they did say it was also good. one of them (he's about 60, started his company after n is really doing well for himself) said he worked while studying, the other (25, just started work n is already on the fast track on one of our bigger local companies) said she couldn't work bec. she had to study in the mornings just to keep up. between the 2 im thinking it would still affect the type of work i could do wen i do start.


    hey jo, are u a recent grad? how was it? did u still manage to go out or was it all work for u? how did it affect ur prof life after? what r u doing now? (compared to before u went in)


    I would suggest you to try out AIM. The training you get from the program is great. As for the workload, it's only heavy during the 1st year; but it can be done. Just buckle down and read, you can't go wrong. The finance there is amazing! If you hate numbers, you'll learn to like it. Hehehehe. Just remember one thing, do not try to over analyze. It's really more of common sense. It really does open doors for you. I would suggest that one would get more than the 2 year minimum required, because you can suddenly become under qualified and over qualified at the same time. Good luck if you pursue it and the WACs aren't really that hard. Oh yeah, when you enter; start looking for a topir for your MRR/thesis. The earlier you get it done the better.

  5. meron naman 2500 a night, it's just in station 3. lots of small places there. as for the coffee house with situated in a side street, ill post the name later. all i can remember now is that they serve great breakfast meals!

  6. yes a good throw can knock your opponent out, but we also have to consider that some judo throws require more precision and difficulty to execute, as compared to a single leg or double leg takedown.


    i have to agree. there are a lot of judo throws that require precision and some that can only be used when in competition (hope my old coach doesn't see this). judo is a good base but given the arts out there now, practicality comes in. there's only a handful of throws that i've executed out of competition. those that have attained higher belts than me claim they've done some rare throws out of the mat. if you watch the international competition videos, most throws are "hilaw" or done at extremes. im not putting the art down, because i myself used to practice it. i just find it to be more of a sport, but it does save your ass at times.

  7. Hey Smartass,


    Yes there are a few forms of Wing Chun. Not sure which is the original, but the one under Yip Man, was made famouse by Bruce Lee and is the concept for his JKD. I've studied under two different styles of Wing Chun (Yip Man style and Yuen Kay San). Both a pretty similar.


    Wing Chun is basic, so all the flowery circular motion isn't Wing Chun to my knowledge. To contradict myself, there are a few circular motions in Wing Chun, but mainly for escapes from grabs or to move an opponents arms. I'd have to see what you're talking about to be sure, but there are elbows and footwork in the second and third forms that many people don't see....


    When I was living in the Philippines, I was hoping to find some Wing Chun practitioners, but no joy. I'm back in the states and it's hard to find here too. Everyone is into BJJ or MAA...





    There are a few wing chun practioners here in the philippines. i was able to become the classmate of one of them when i took up my masteral degree here in the philippines. according to him, he used to train in binondo but the school closed already. from what he says, he doesn't know of a school here in the philippines.

  8. we play rochester draft here in bf... if you want to join just pm me.... the cards we use are all our leftovers from previous expansions... bring cards that you want to "donate" or have joined into the pool... everything is random basically...



    i have to agree that ted's is good. i would also suggest that you go to the lapaz public market. at the corner where you can see the bpi and gaisano city is a batchoy resto that's good. hopefully it's still there. sorry, can't remember the name na.

  10. whats the best place here in Iloilo

    foods, beaches .etc..

    were planning to go here after mag boracay

    pls help...



    for food:


    tatoy's, breakthrough, jo's inato, the fish port, try the resto's along dumangas sea side, and maybe rml manukan




    i wouldn't. lived there for 2 years and it's not of quality.




    go to smallville

  11. when I was in Iloilo, I stayed at Sarabia Manor hotel and Iloilo Business Hotel.... please take note that there are 2 SM Department stores in Iloilo...are you referring to the one nearer to the airport? Iloilo Business Hotel is better in terms of nightlife as there are a lot of restos and bars just beside the hotel or within the street...


    you can check this website: http://iloiloonline.blogspot.com/2006/03/h...loilo-city.html



    actually there are three sm malls here: manduriao, delgado and jaro.

  12. Hi guys, any feedback or experience with the beach houses for rent? Is it a wise option? Thanks.


    if you're going to rent a house, the best bet would be from spr in boracay. the houses are located in station one (the ones that i know of). it's going to be a wise option if you're in a party of around 10 and above. two of the houses there has 4 rooms each and living space with your own beachfront. there's also maid service, so you don't have to worry about the mess you'll be making. you can also cook there if you're sick of the food in the area. technically, it's a good place to go with your friends and enjoy. if you want to know the rates, i kinda forgot already but i can send you the number of the agency. of course there's also peak and off-peak rates. pm me if you're still interested in getting the number. the problem is that they only have a aklan (the province where bora is located) number.

  13. if im not mistaken capacio was the manager of the feu team e paano naging driver yon. ang balita ko coach na sya ng feu men's team.


    i live pretty close to capacio and my cousin was the PT of the team before. from what i remember he has a farm and does some distribution now. so there, the guy is doing well and is not a driver.


    oh yeah, elmer reyes is connected with a used car lot owned by a couple of ex-pba players. I think the lot is called "All Stars" and is somewhere near DLSU.

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