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  1. I was looking for the Erotic Literature thread but sadly, it has either been deleted or locked. I hope the admins and mods won't mind if I start another one as a diversion from the many field reports that bombard MTC. This thread is purely for erotic literature and arts. Post your favorite erotic literature. May it be poetry, an excerpt from a story, your own writings, or what not. Maybe some of us can even share artworks. Post responsibly though as original erotic lit thread was closed due to some people who plagiarized. Please indicate if it's an original work, lifted from another site (e.g. Literotica.com), author, title of book, etc. Let's give credit where credit is due. Let me start off with something from Rumi... Lighting, your presence from ground to sky. No one knows what becomes of me, when you take me so quickly. --Rumi (From the book Yellow Silk 2, International Erotic Stories & Poems, edited by Lily Pond)
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