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Status Updates posted by jgc813

  1. I have always wondered why "balls" refer to being strong, and "pussy" weak. So, men have balls and are suppose to be strong, and women, who have pussies, are referred to as 'the weaker or fairer sex.' In reality, men's balls are so sensitive and frail, they squirm with pain when their balls are touched with the slightest pressure. Women's pussies, on the contrary, can take all the pounding, and women, for most part, always enjoy the drilling.

    1. jgc813


      We've got it all wrong! English should re-examine its imagery and idiomatic expresions.

  2. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jgc813


      So true, so true... =)

    3. GBLA


      One of the best books I read.


    4. GBLA


      One of the best books I read.


  3. One will concretely appreciate what it means to be truthful when he becomes a victim of a cheater or a liar. This is true especially in the matter of love and relationships.

  4. When you, by chance, meet up with someone nice, you suddenly feel how fortunate you are. (Then, again, is there something like "chance?")

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BornAtNight


      May I repost it @ my fb account? :) thanks

    3. jgc813


      Help yourself. =)

    4. shhhhhh


      reposting your stat, nice one.

  5. When someone shows you're appreciated, it's a wake-up call for you to learn how to appreciate others.

    1. _Honey_


      I like this. :)

    2. jgc813


      There's already a lot of criticizing and bickering in our society and private lives. For a change, we can always choose to be positive, di ba? Thanks for dropping by. ;)

  6. This is the chinese character for love. Notice that even in the number of strokes, it is already complicated.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. jgc813


      The name AIKO "愛子" means "love child." Nice, but in English, it has a different shade of meaning. LOL!

    3. erika123


      In chinese, it is also read as "AI". I just knew about the "shin" as heart, but never knew about the small and perpetuity. Appreciate the new knowledge I got now.

    4. jgc813


      Thanks for dropping by, and for sharing some thoughts. Very much appreciated. =)

  7. In the land of plenty such as the land of the rising sun, there could be still be a vacuum both in places of sublimity, and more so, in people's hearts.

  8. Ask for nothing. Expect nothing. Be happy if people tolerate you.

  9. I am not your average type of guy. You have to know me in order to realize that. If you learn to like me, that's your own doing. I would never expect that of you.

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