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Posts posted by chelly

  1. once...and its was driven by the fear of being abandoned more than anything. looking back it was such a stupid thing to do because the person i wanted to stay wasn't really the right person to be with...haaaaaayyyyy...thats what you call blind! :rolleyes: Hahahahhahahaha...


    i'm actually thankful im no longer with that person. blessing in disguise. just didn't know it at that time. :upside:

  2. "fling(s)" as the word connotes is the act of throwing away so at the end of the day...bye bye. sad but true and only a fool will think otherwise. -_-


    it's possible to fall in love with a fling...or at least be extremely attached to one...but it's not for the soft hearted. brace yourself for a lot of pain. how do i know? with experience comes great wisdom. :P

  3. biologically, when your body releases endorphins (hormones secreted by the brain) you will feel the sensation of "falling in love" such as euphoria (happiness, giddy, light). whenever you feel this sensation...you most often would say "im in love" with whomever you are associating those sensations with.


    emotionally, whenever you feel a sense of "attachment" to a certain person...you begin to equate that with falling in love with that person. You begin to want to be with that particular individual more than others.


    sexually, you feel attraction for the person...a strong urge to swap fluids. Hahahhahha. sexual attraction could happen without emotional attachment thus some people could just walk away after the act of coupling has taken place since the sexual urge has been satisfied.


    so how do most people determine if they're in love? it should really a battle between the brain and the heart. Personally, I have been relying on my heart to help me decide on how i handle relationships in the past. Does it work? For me...sadly it does not. Now im approaching relationships ...and potential relationships...with both my brain and heart. As for the sexual urges...those come and go but once i start feeling a sense of "attachment" to a specific individual...i now consciously stand back a bit and listen to what my brain is telling me before i take a plunge. So far, my brain has kept me from making the same mistakes i have done in the past.

  4. first off...im happy this thread got a lot of response. many thanks to those who have shared and for those who want to share...you're so very welcome. so write on my friends...


    secondly, to add my own lessons to this thread i started...i have learned NOT to take things too seriously. In the past, im the "take things seriously" type of person...be it work, relationships, anything. If i spend my time and attention to it then automatically i take it seriously. Now ive learned to LET GO...live in the moment is how some people say it and adopt the mindset that if it's gone...it's gone and the past should remain in the past not to brought into the present and the future. CLOSURE to every experience that needs to be closed.


    thirdly, im acknowledging that im a work in progress. someone asked me lately if i am sure i am ready and i answered him yes, i am. he challenged me by asking me if i ever thought about the possibility that i may be being readied myself for that one thing i have been praying for to happen...and that made me think. I still have my lessons to learn...yes, i am being molded as well.


    lastly, to my friend who has been telling me to patiently wait for my partner in life to arrive because he's still "being molded to specs"...thank you for helping me realize that it's better to wait for "a well cooked" man who really wants me and is ready to bring me into his life than a man who may want me now only to change his mind right after "getting me" and end up just messing me up.

  5. the essentials...take a leak...take a bath, brush my teeth...fix up a bit then dress up. Then im off to work.


    if its a weekend...take a leak brush my teeth, wash my face...go back to bed and roll around for about 2 hours or so...or until i convince myself to finally get my ass moving! Hahhahhahahha...

  6. my general rule is: if you're not passionate about your career no amount of money will ever be enough to compensate for the sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction.


    i've been through a lot and because of that i have learned some very important things in life...money could not buy you love and happiness.


    nuff said.

  7. i think its because...ugly men ( do we really have to call them this?) are more devoted than their gorgeous brothers. Devotion is one very critical aspect for women to be in a committed relationship. With devotion comes a whole lot of stuff...like doing anything and everything for the woman....not cheating, etc.


    so there...its basically what the facially challenged guy could give to the woman that most gorgeous ones dont

  8. i don't want to hurt you... <<<----- good...nobody deserves to have pain inflicted on them...thanks and goodbye.


    heto classic... "i love you...but i just cant right now." i still can't get over that one...it's a classic case of im too confused for my own good. byeeeee

  9. just wasn't meant to be...and parting ways is the best thing to do in that situation...not just for the both of us but for those who are involved simply because they were already there to be begin with. One lesson i have learned is...think very very carefully before getting involved. hey, i loved the guy...but it doesn't change the circumstances surrounding him. sometimes...mind over heart is the best way to go.

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