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Status Replies posted by Sledgie

  1. Back to work na naman tomorrow! xD

  2. Smart has the brains, but stupid has the balls

    1. Sledgie


      i agree indeed! How about the average ones? :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Sony Xperia Arc S mapapasaakin ka rin next month maghintay ka lang ng konti hahahaha!

  4. i will be in hk and shenzen on the 1st week of feb 2012... who wants to meet me??? :) send me message on my fb account or ym..

  5. I miss doing something with somebody!

    1. Sledgie


      Like... Is what I think?

  6. What a boring day... Who wants to go...., let's watch a movie!

  7. What a boring day... Who wants to go...., let's watch a movie!

    1. Sledgie


      Late ka na hahaha! next time... Sa January 8 Sherlock Holmes. :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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